November 30, 2024
The topic always available for conversations apparently
being that a great number of people had come to harm or come into harm’s way on
my account of which none knows exactly why it is that I am the person living on
social security because others borrowed my career to feel good about themselves
clinging to it, followed up such activities with a process of issuing threats
and insults at well and yet I am the same responding to accusations too. I
could never understand for my part first of all the reasons it was so difficult
for others to make sense of the fact this was a matter that emerged because
should I ask people not to do a thing with my person and property, they will by
sheer means of disrespect for my person alone, go ahead and do it anyway,
before that is a history of a great big number complaining about me, then of
course unable to make sense of the fact that this was all causing me enough
distress for it to be accepted that I had a real reason to hate them, that the
outstanding thing I have not done is to hate them which in order to make
progress with my career and finances that they had trashed, I needed to
consider the abusive way that drawing up a link between causing me suffering
and distress in the vein that they were fulfilling their daily roles for
personal and social interests, was an incredibly good reason to start, if
history is that I had done everything I could to prevent them ripping up my
finances to build the habit on me, they had countered it with everything they
could to achieve otherwise and having done so, had gone on to achieve a result
where their abuses made sense to the public, the public got accustomed to it
and they were in a position to public up a life of popularity, discussing me
over it as if I did not exist? The cause of all our problems was the simple
fact that they had built themselves a crowd that ensured every practical joke
being performed at my expense got through to me and took up my time, then
traded their mobility for immoral society gimmicks to cling to my career, in
which situation they were able to ensure I am never allowed to smell nice and
always felt sick to my stomach – these are the conditions in which they had
gone on to make out that the jobs I had picked up the work market and the
history I built from those jobs, were a good enough reason to goad me over
public control matters constantly and discover they cannot keep their hands to
themselves each time those public control matters got out of hand because they
were goading me over it. I am not saying it is a crisis, just responding to the
fact this story of the way I am responsible for a large number of people coming
into harms way, needed to be considered with a sense of utter most importance –
from my point of view, I used to think the term luvvies was a big harsh, now I
am getting incredibly comfortable with expensively dressed hoodlum scum
instead, and if I think that the need to establish a connection between doing
me harm and pursuing their daily affairs had grown into something important,
there will be a response just like there had been one concerning the fact that
the insults and abuses had finally made sense to the public as something people
could join in on over a narcissism Media presence and since they were not
living on food banks, need to cease goading me over public control and buy a
Book at the shop for getting involved with my affairs or put up those silly
involvement comments about it to feel good.
Celebrities decided they were superior to and needed to show
it, so they hired German influence narcissism idiots to assist them with it, at
which point since they were currently ripping the consequences of the fact I am
not really as originally thought, a character that liked to be insulted and abused
by them all day, the main problem behind this was the idea that a lot of
important people hated me, yet the entire time their career was still linked up
to mine in some way or another; it has been another 7 year mess here from 2018,
writing this in 2024.
I am now being told that they thought I am messing with some
powerful and strong people and when I get caught, I will end up in a really
difficult situation. It will never happen for them; if their families were
blissfully unaware of these gimmicks and they were keeping their jobs, it
showed I am not the person making trouble, so the most plausible, sensible,
probably correct outcome of this will be a result where they got into a huge
amount of trouble, preferably with a smile on their faces on my account and I
got away with it. I mean I am being tackled because I am so weak that people
were irritated, so the question becomes one of how it made sense, to develop it
into a sense that I am a character who liked to be insulted and abused by
others over something that was so bad it could not be explained normally, build
up to an explanation that made sense to a public that asked questions and
finished off issuing the stupid threats but apparently my response will have
yet shown that these fools were so stupid they have recently made an enemy that
they have not properly studied. Here it is said that it was not clear why
people continued to insist on the suggestion Libras were weak and people could
step on us without consequences but as I know it, it seemed not only that they
were reading those astrological signs well enough but chose to dwell on the
convenient aspects of it but also that the consequences of not peddling such
nonsense were usually greater than the effects of being seen to do so, hence we
tolerated it until they got off thinking it had made enough sense for them to
pursue unusual privileges at our expense.
It is the generic issue of security service staff doing security service
work and if they felt that you enjoyed messing with their jobs so much and
enjoyed getting stupid people involved with it to make a mess for them, they
would take a voluntary retirement and do the work at their own time and private
expense, the difference is that these gits were messing with an Arch Prince, so
my disposition apparently is that if the UK and US Government had special
diplomatic arrangements for the two Countries, this nonsense was right up my
alley; the issues that US suffers more than we do, of these stupid friends who
tend to any time you want them to desist from doing a thing with your person,
career and job, simply go ahead and do it anyway to such an extent that your
bottom hurts all the time and the Celebrities especially had discovered it was
not enough to get on my nerves so they picked up trashing my finances and
building communities that fingered my bum whilst they goad me over public
control matters to get me into a fight – the assumption then has been that it
was a simple matter of sharing my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build
communities that finger my bum, to the extent that complaining to Politicians
and Media to get assistance for my response everyday was not enough of an
incentive to stop doing it i.e. made an enemy that had not fully studied. Here
it is suggested people understood why it is that when everybody says something
should not be done, Libras will go ahead and do it, the story of what is
usually acceptable to everybody and what is not and the time frame by which
they decided a particular thing was unacceptable – they love having fun at our
expense and come up with these gimmicks to worsen whatever it is that they had
already done, if it is not being set out for such a purpose, there was no need
for us to be involved. On the point that it would help if I am proactive about
the matter, I am proactive, just do not think it is sensible to announce my
disposition which I have already by responding to this nonsense – the
stupidities were spelling the word bluff and are not spelling it well, needs
stop lip flapping and buy a Book for getting involved with a writer, if I am
being tackled because I am so weak people were irritated although the moral of
their story currently was that whether or not I am, they ought to keep their
imagination out of my privacy and body parts, the threats do not actually make
sense, unless they want another moral to their story. On the point that they
had Libras in their groups as well, such ideas simply helped us make sense of
the reality of what this is really all about and really like – it is all usual
suspects, especially the Islamic usual suspects who were the most prolific
usual suspects of them all.
We had to listen endlessly to those gimmicks regarding what
I want when the fooling around had paid off greatly at my expense due to
assistance from famous idiots: I simply want my working structures restored –
whereby I opened up my Office to the public and nobody gets off causing me
excessive difficulty on being able to make sense of the fact that picking up
good looking women who got involved with it, to make popular culture, does not
necessarily mean any popularity twat will be keeping my assets and there were
no friends who loved to do things I don’t want done with my affairs to the
point where the message was obscured, so they can build communities that fondle
my private parts – same as the other process where conditions emerged for
people to perform activities that added up to the idea they were my mistress
which purpose was to keep a Court that makes a living keeping them out of my
affairs for me, of which what has happened is the Kardashian taking over and
then I had to take time in a matter of years to recover it, the hope being that
I never would have, another five year career mess for me, achieved by people
who never listen, instead prefer to make stupid claims about being stronger
than I am or being backed up by either powers or men that I should be afraid of.
I need the working structures so I can simply get out of bed and work, pay the
bills properly thereafter, not hang about looking like I am stuck with a people
concerning whom the outstanding thing I had not done is express hate in their
direction which I needed to learn, like I am trying to get paid at the market
place for something I did not achieve. Eventually we heard that I was only
complaining about the way society worked but I believe I am well aware of the
reasons they show up here to trash my career, health and finances for practical
jokes, then assume that if they complained about false claims I am working with
racists and responsible for Police brutality long enough for everybody to get
accustomed to it, I would have been hunted down and trapped; we have been heard
the gimmick get on to the point that what I said about the matter is not
necessarily going to set me from it whereas it actually will – as it is a
simple matter of the usual suspects, such that if anything was being done that
should not have been done, they were the media, the racists, the politicians,
the civil right gits, the people on the left hand side, the people on the right
hand side, the Islamic people etc who were doing it, the rest of us can be rest
assured of this – needs to stay away from the Bookshop and keep the comments,
the insults and greed to its own career as it is obviously as I have been
complaining about it, getting on my nerves, pay for what it uses, stop abusive
well off neighbourhood claiming that I believed the fact I am Royalty and that
I wrote some Books provided me the right to control people whereas I had
already dropped out of University and did not wish to tolerate more of their
gimmicks showing up on my accounts Books at the end of every trading period
(which in order to get what they want as usual, have yet again taken up 15
years of my time to turn every local employer towards their practical jokes by
perverting the work and commodity markets, as example of the way the Willard well-off
stupidities enjoyed getting on my nerves to lip flap all sorts of nonsense that
suggested it was my fault on the shop-floor of Parliament and Public Media) and
cease passing insults at me.
On the point that I am in more trouble than I realise – I am
not in any trouble, to say I took up this matter in response to repeatedly
being told it would be better for everybody if I took the helm on it, what I
would need to do is devise a response to the fact they are always making a mess
of security service work, to build a world where they clung to my possessions
and sought more privileges for the male population over ideas that it was the
main source of manpower for the security services, which really had nothing to
do with me, at the same time that I was being constantly rundown by insults and
abuses associated with the fact I was not joining in with them to do heavy
lifting at Public security which I do not have legitimate authority to, not
that they did but they were in a position to sign up to a clearly set out job
and make trouble for everybody which will ensure the male population was as comfortable
as it was a menace – on the other hand will also set out that the Media had
become a front for their usual suspects gimmicks and so if I mentioned the 2
decade career mess they have done here the mockery will get out of hand and
remind everybody of the reasons I took the steps I did years back, whereby the
need to ensure they ceased fooling around with my career was devised on the
basis I did not wish to tolerate their gimmicks at my bottom line when I am
running the numbers for the Bookshop and the well off neighbourhoods clung to
my career publicity to make money whilst claiming I thought that the fact I had
written a Book was a license to control people, which Politicians supported and
worked blame narcissism on me for before complaining about respect issues – it is
not a victory at all as these two issues playing into what I might do to decide
where they kept their stupid fingers will end this problem very badly. They do
raise the point that the King did not like me at all and these matters were
being fostered by His Majesty and yes they were but first of all His Majesty
during time as Prince of Wales, saw what antagonising the female population
does, the fact it only got married because it was arranged, so he is obviously
back at it again and this time had decided lesser people will pick up the mess,
leaving me single into my 40s – these gits on the other hand were some sort of
self seeking twats who obviously wanted some of mine and currently looked like
soliciting His Majesty to retrieve my possessions for them, looking like their
stupidities alongside their famous poofs were the people to ensure I got into
the trouble everybody was talking about – on the point of taking control, the
decisions of the King, if they looked like wrong doing was okay as those who
did not engage with will tidy up the mess, meant that it was my responsibility
to ensure that people understood clearly which of my affairs was state business
and which was private property, so matters could be pursued clearly and if
there was the slightest bit if respect from my person where these toxic gits
were concerned, these matters would never have arisen in the first instance at
all. They do come through with those excuses from time to time each occasion
that the gimmicks about abusive narcissistic men being rewarded because the
male population was working security services but it was the actual job that
bothered them all together, that women were the problem which is utter nonsense:
we know worst case, every woman who thinks she possessed a license to run me
down and pass insults at me, was fooling around with a two part case of the fact
on one hand that their employers would have heard all about it and the only
people to have given her the license would have been her parents and they will
be the people to receive the feedback when it goes badly wrong – on the other
the talk of the town narcissism beat down that I did not have to respond to
since I am obviously not their mate and certainly not married to them. At some
stage, this nonsense having been fostered by men who hated the fact that the
way to run a Bookshop in which people were paying for the comfortable private
environment that allowed them to pay for the items they were reading and enjoy
it, is fine when Bookshop had been affected, as long as considering they were
keeping their jobs for it, my finances was not, same as when it degenerated to
a point where my finances were affected considering they were keeping theirs
and at the point where I am regarded as a low life to be insulted and labels
put on, their inability to keep their hands to themselves and watch the way
they darted their mouth at me is set to build up to very serious problems. The
idea is then built up by the male society poofs that show how important these
decisions the King makes were, that I am now working for the male population if
I wanted to be free of the abuses, like I mentioned, a bunch of poofs who were
currently soliciting the Media and the Politicians to help manage the stress if
I had decided their abuses set the stage which suggests that those who did not
indulge them did not possess the intelligence to do so, at some point having
revenge for the stress made sense and my next response for the gimmicks that’s stifle
my Bookshop and my finances will be an ending they will not forget in a long
time; either way we know that silly male leadership decided like so, King Henry
VIII decided the same and went through 5 fives at the end of which he killed
them all, could not tell which direction to turn and which direction his
problems were coming from, which they would claim further enforces the idea
women were the problem whereas I had only pointed out what they spent their
time on sending women the signals that it meant more to them than anything else
in the world and it is the point where she claims she is not responsible for
the fact they were completely screwed, which is not really what she means, that
leads to the violence. Here they say I appear to be an expert in women which I
am not, only know their gits who pick up their signals were so incompatible
with me that their involvement with my personal and social life was incredibly painful
and needed to be stopped or I will stop it for them myself. The fact they were
a bunch of toxic industry fools who time and again will come up with the idea
that abusing my person and getting imagination into my panties was linked to
making money, had nothing to do with Government operations where I might walk
into one room and it was full of men talking about male society matters, walk
into another and it was full of women doing the same on female society matters,
so it became an unwritten, unspoken Government office duty with respect to
setting the environment that encouraged people to procreate; it needs to lay
off my finances, if I am currently left in a situation where I wondered how
anybody could be so silly as to convert government investiture work into a
method by which she had somebody she could sell out to toxic industry gits,
over ideas she has been through hell in in silly little life an deserved a
break, even when she can see it was a threat to my person, it was a threat to
her, it was a threat to the wealth politics equity that I had devised to help
people build products that they can sell to baby sit industry gits who spent
money fighting them and went to work to make their lives uncomfortable – even when
she can see that the only group of people likely to do such things were the
relatives of the abusive toxic industry gits themselves over fears that my
actions will cause their families to lose Heritage and fortunes. The fact I had
to cross the society water mark to find a partner has now been converted into a
public crisis, to make a mess of my public control processes, my working
structures, leave me looking like I want to get paid for something I did not
achieve at the market place whilst they clung to it, bullied court members and
celebrities I got around with and they were the people telling me I am in more
trouble than I realised. On the point I appeared to be in a huge amount of
trouble, I am not at all, I simply do not control any of my Royal working structures
at this stage i.e. there are areas of my social life that set the stage for me
to have a mistress, who show up to set out a career that helped them make money
keeping these sorts of abusive nonsense off my public work, they will hijack it,
give it another label that suggests wealth and social equality and set out pretending
they were the people providing the service to get money off toxic industry gits
who hated me as much as they were obsessed, thus it was the very money they
made that caused me the problems as it soon had made me a little man that had
no respect for very successful women and it continues to make a mess for me so
I looked like I could not access my own working structures and wanted to get
paid for something I did not do, at the Market place, there was also opening up
of office to the public leading to some of the good looking women being taken
up to do popular culture on my public life by a bunch of gits who later
introduced themselves as very powerful and wealthy producers over an assumption
that they were going to keep my assets, there was the mass media work court
that helped me ascertain what I was doing with my public control processes efficiently
and in real time, which has now been placed at the behest of men’s world
trading gimmicks that is performed by a bunch of stupid men who appear to exist
in a condition where the outstanding this I have not yet done with them is to
hate them, concerning which my finances were a mess and I had to start learning
how to do it over the fact everything that comes out of their mouth was greed
and insult and they wanted to cling to my career and talk to me with it; so I
want to control my own working structures, they are still on and are not taking
my warnings seriously, so I have had to assume they were ready for the fighting
which had begun for some days at the point of my writing this. I am told that
women hated the way I ran my affairs as well and yes they did, since picking up
my career publicity, claiming state provided security provokes you and getting
on my nerves to push me into a fight with your enemies, picking up my Clients
interests to make money, does not mean that people had to bash arrangement I
had made to attract the attention of those who liked the way I organised my personal
life and matrimony as well, it is something they had done because they were a
bunch of entitled gits, so I really like anal sex and the fact I did should
show in every aspect of their affairs as well, mostly depending on their access
to the men I am supposed to be afraid of.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.