December 24, 2024
They do raise this point that I am some sort of dead beat
man at this point and I could not tell anyway, how they arrived at such a
conclusion – I only know that these insults only did damage to my career whilst
they clung to the publicity itself all together, the same conditions in which
it was not their business if I completed academic pursuits and got a job that
was like their own, in order to ensure they were happy I existed, which leaves
eventually the inescapable fact that the cause of all the problems we faced was
the fact they had their money and were not planning to keep it in peace. All
together, they do not read Books and their activities make people who do lazy
about reading Books because they played 24/7 and picked up my career publicity
for gimmicks to make pseudo profession money as well – the women loved to make
the stupid statements that I am so weak my existence irritated them, as if this
was their part of society and they were in position to tell which was weak and
which was not from where they were; therefore requiring a crowd to help them
tear up public policy as applicable to me, so that I may be vulnerable to
practical jokes a crowd wanted to play on me as people got paid for being
popular by handling my career publicity, to such an extent that I could not put
my head down and study anything, then tell me the problem was to do with the
way I described them as a bunch of poofs.
There was the other point they raised about the men tackling
me which was naturally the same story about saying that everything that got in
their way and stood between them and their freedom to keep my assets in their
minds, interfere with my clients at the Bookshop and make something of their
gimmicks they claimed was freedom and capitalism, needed to be shoved up my bum
whenever I am trying to get some sleep and to which effect they took up working
with rogue landlords and corrupt private security, at the end of which they
sent out the criminals to share my personal space and keep the business of
making me smell bad going, the good life I had that they did not wish to give
up getting involved with helped their stupidities avoid crime, whilst famous
idiots bank rolled it to lip flap nonsense about a dream of getting me to serve
their red carpet sex work politics stupidities as well, leaving the criminals
the opportunity to read my astrology obsessively every day. I mean they do this
because it got serious once and they had to fight German influence hoodlums
because of me, had to fight communists and other National enemies because of me
as well – currently each time I got the Celebrities who bank roll criminals
that wanted to read my astrology under control, will show up to play with me
over what I did until my Bookshop had completely stalled, the part where I am
never allowed to smell nice and the idiots who claimed they planned to attack
me over it who have never done so, that I too may begin my own processes to put
an end to their practical jokes permanently, hence never likely to get serious
again if I drew up a link between the damage done to the Bookshop and people
keeping public transport jobs that should be used to tidy it up, so that I too
may win trophies being a badly raised unreasonable child.
The theory that they had to be braver and stronger than I am
to achieve what they had, which commanded respect that they were not getting,
after ripping up my Bookshop over ideas they wanted me to serve them and cover
their backside, then throw the money at criminals who got off making money
reading my astrology and bullying me to befriend their famous stupidities.
There is no such thing, they are a bunch of crooks who always cheat people they
met and once they made some money doing so, never ever stopped: I mean some
people have suggested it was alarming the extent to which I am not afraid of
them but there was no need to be as I am the one paying the cost for the fact
that they were fundamentally afraid that if people got imagination into their
panties they would lose everything they had but it is in this condition that
they perpetually trash my career and finances to make me into an enemy that
they claimed they could handle, compared to the people who hated them because
they were always abusive and always cheated others – it arrives at a point
where a history of inaction on my part meant I faced real risk of being harmed,
which created this question on the fact they were famous idiots but probably
had a death which at this stage too.
We are now at the stage where the most sensible way to
approach the matter is the base state of mind in which each time I had to
endure their insults, I did something that would ensure their parents got a
feedback for the kind of upbringings they got and yes they do claim the risk is
that my parents would be affected too which will never happen as long as it
continues to fight hoodlums and national enemies on my behalf, to show up here
ripping up my finances and career publicity over ideas it was the one that got
them taking risks with themselves, at the same time that the need to play with
me until my Bookshop stopped was still on. Ever since they completed their
academic pursuits first before I did, made some money before I did; all its
interests in me, the comments about how much I spent at the super markets
wrecked a Bookshop, and the insults would run and run all the way down to the
comments about my age and claims I was seeking to exploit the futures of
younger people – all indicating that their money was my problem and they did
not wish to keep it in peace, it never stopped, never shuts up, never talks
about its own career publicity, does not read Books, needs to get its career
out of my way or I will do so myself.
They claim nobody fears me anymore which is precisely as I
want it, as it seems they were better controlled by being attacked viciously,
to be told they won the fight as well – I mean the issues that get me to make
up my mind in such ways; that it was originally the way that the worth of a particular
crop of the public can be determined, when the environment was created and the
learning resources were provided, now we don’t know anymore and we had no way
to consolidate the ideas that they came with it, a hole outstanding that even
they will not fill – it has become so important to ensure they understood the
ease by which I will if faced with a threat, handle a threat they posed and the
ease by which I would gather the resources that will help me do so. It is much
the same as those tales that they were destroying me which is laughable, as it
comes from a really stupid narcissistic matrimony from whence all those stupid
ideas I was so weak my very existence was irritating emanated.
There was the point consistently being raised about how I
was repeatedly dishonest about what is happening to me, of which I am not at
all, I simply do not think it that important; the facts of the extreme
vandalism was that Celebrities were so abusive that they built a career for and
built up a fan base for the purpose of saying that they were interested in
getting me to do what they wanted whether I wanted to or not as a trophy, up to
the stage where clinging to my career felt good and each time there was
prospect of success, they thought they were losing that access, damaged my
career and left me on social security, which was what I did when the Government
Office idiots waded in to claim my responses originally were wrong and social
security was the correct thing, about which we now faced a crisis because
although these idiots complained about me whilst these gimmicks were still on
going, my Bookshop was in a mess and I did not feel as if my schedule belonged
to me anymore, my social life was shapeless – the motivation to say that these
gits need to get their careers out of my way as an exit for this or their
abusive interest will start a war, if the Government Office gits got involved,
I would attack those as well considering this was not where they lived all
together. The facts on the ground are that it had become concerning to an
extent where I needed to see that my clients will face street violence for reading
my Books unless I responded since they had built up a media narcissism for my
career and the society gits could now say that a community had been created, its
public activities modified to suggest that my Books were offensive to such a
community, then there was also the high end clients about which I needed to
pursue career and job security when they engaged with my Books, so these facts
really give meaning to the sense that they needed to get their famous and
abusive careers out of my way – I mean what it says about the amount I spent at
the super market closes down my Bookshop for the day because it was so abusive
and we are not talking about what it says about my age with respect to my finances
as a matter of claims that I am pursing career successes that should fairly
have been the domain of younger people – it never shuts up and is always the
first to issue the threats of violence but the one that is about to create a
problem here is that it never stopped fooling around with me or fooling around
at my expense, so when it really comes down to the nitty gritty, the cause of
our problem was that they had a financial wellbeing that they did not plan to
keep in peace, bearing in mind that what I did with the academic system, my
career and finances and or for which length of time I did it, was none of their
business but I am waking up to daily struggle because they made it their
business and were complaining about finding half the trouble they sought so far.
I am told Celebrities thought my position was confusing but it is not in any
way whatsoever, we are talking saying that with respect to a person, civil
leadership as per politicians holding a function in your neighbourhood which
caused all those career plans to weigh heavily on you especially if you were trailing,
civil municipal sensibility whereby nobody wants to tidy the streets but
somebody had to do the job and of course public policy as per you handling
people you were familiar with, likely to have had dinner with, gotten to know,
maybe obtained a sense of their schedule and could ascertain properly what the
risk of actual physical contact would be, especially with respect to women who
had unpredictable bodies – these famous idiots have trashed everything here,
clinging to my income margins over the way that I respond to limit damages,
when they build a crowd that suggested these three factors should not apply to
me as I was so irritating I did not even deserve to exist; this is the stage by
which its famous stupidities continued to cling to my career publicity because
it felt good, leaving me cash strapped due to clients being unable to engage
with Bookshop and then issues threats at me up to the point of lip flapping
about the ability to decide where I said what I said with a big expensively dressed
hoodlum pie hole. The earlier I am finished with the Celebrities is the earlier
I can return to my public control
matters and work market footprint history which seemed to be their only concern
for abusive reasons in this place and then I can normalise, even in saying it,
I am sure people can see how my schedule had belonged to me and was mine to
decide through and through again like it should be – the alternative is that
their careers will continue to get entangled with mine after the end of December
2024 and it will start a war.
Some people have raised this point about the abusive
reliance on me being a product of the fact that they lost the public policy
that applied to them but it should be noted that they had done that to
themselves and all by themselves as well; never stopped trading career mobility
for immoral society gimmicks, to hang about in public places flattering
criminals and attacking moral people, but since most criminals were mentally
unstable, we can see how for instance somebody is a psychopath and cannot feel
emotions, being flattered to such an extent, like in my case where it never
stopped clinging to my career and work market history to control how I stood up
for myself, that the persons emotions always came to be expressed at the very
top end all the time, soon enough which they forget they were ill and the next
line of thought that came to them considering their mental state, each time
they desired something, was how to get rid of the items that got in the way and
most of the time what the mentally ill criminals desired was their shinny well
fed insolent bodies that showed up on Media everyday – so curtail the risk
associated with this, we then find the idiots employ the services of rogue
landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, to maintain a
community that abused me to such an extent it was able to alter my place in the
world literally, before its stupidities gets off telling me where I could not
say what I said, as per I would end up in grave difficulty of a violent kind
with a big mouth. On the point that all I could do about these matters is talk,
if this was the case, then we could see how the fact that it was, served the
purpose of ensuring all could make sense of the ways by which this was
happening and the reasons it should not – they completed University and became
famous, it had nothing to do with me the same way that it had nothing to do
with them what I did with my finances, career and the academic system, it now
has something to do with me and was a problem because they were financially
comfortable, they were saying that my penis hurts and anus hurts because they
were financially comfortable, they were saying they enjoyed how I responded to
red carpet sex work politics breaching my patents and crashing my finances whilst
they basked in my Royal publicity and pretended to control what I did with Governmental
diplomacy as applied to communists, whereby they were entitled to get on my
nerves as it generally got me angry which showed how I would like respond to
communists and could be sold to toxic Hollywood pricks who always gave them
some money for messing with Royalty as disobediently as possible, they were saying
that these did all these things because they had some money to buffer their
self confidence and that I would not have to worry about them doing it if they
did not have the money to buffer their self-confidence. Hence we find the idea
that my entire life was now about the financial wellbeing was the secondary
part that expressed the fact they were a bunch of famous crooks, who get the public
to buy into the idea I think I am better than other people, the entire time
that they were at it – the nature of their famous persons abuses being such
that if I were afraid of them, my penis would shrink.
To make my point all
could easily see that the matter had since developed into a result where
abusive scorpio born gits were trying to convince the rest of the world that
Libra me does not take responsibility or seek accountability for my actions
whilst they had to preach it, but the Celebrity gimmicks, wrecking my public
control work on claims I had failed to cover their backside for a living and
the expensively dressed hoodlum stupidities was punishing an Arch Prince with a
big mouth continues. The tidy up of this nonsense would be the part where I got
to mention that these gits are always having ideas on how other peoples bodies
should be handled but their problem was that they seldom made time to figure
out how they wanted to pay their way in the world, so the Politicians, the
Celebrities and the society had to do it for them – I could never tell at this
point what friends of Scorpios politicians were complaining about, what the
Celebrities thought they were doing with ideas they controlled my existence if
I failed to continue allowing them access to me after years of abusive
activities that culminated in extracting money from my public image to share
with Scorpio born gits and the society part was a history that was constantly
with us, laced with ideas about who was afraid of their stupidities and would
be more likely to accept the blame for what they did. It speaks eventually of the
career I tried to rescue by deciding they needed to keep their own away from me,
being vague but just as much as also get to see what could possibly go wrong
when it spends years of my time building up a stupid Media presence which
purpose was to convert all I got up to into a gimmick where they were wealthy
and important, got to order me around and their community fools got to support
it too, since it had become clear that when they keep their careers away from me,
will I recover my schedule and my social life take a definitive form and it
will cease to be so vague to them all together – they had fun obviously, have
been reading the birth signs and understand it is a quest to find hell on earth
when people were determined to interfere with a Libra’s sleep. The Scorpio one
was an old story, never stopped coming up with ideas on how to take risks with
other people’s safety and wellbeing and of course it beats up Libras all the
time, something somebody told its stupidities – the exit that they needed to
keep their career away from me by the deadline is clearly good enough from my
point view and the singular reasons it would not be is likely to be the fact
that stupid ego, kept their involvement going, failure to do so will see me get
my hands on that stupid career in record time. On the point that the whole Scorpio
thing was becoming a threat to the public, we all know that ripping up other
peoples lives and careers to find you have not made plans of your own, so the
Government, Celebrities and society did it for you on the basis of people you
had agreed to abuse and bum finger, is not necessarily a crime but their
continued involvement with my affairs is going to build up to a result where I
attacked them viciously and set the stage for them to win the fight I started
so I may get away with it again as it were. I mean somebody could easily walk up
to me and tell me that I never took responsibility for my actions, instead of
continue performing activities about which it got to complain of my existence
and send out a stupid crowd to pass subliminal messages at me – it would appear
that when I mentioned the fact the core of the problem was the useless men syndrome
where the wife complains about its narcissism and I am now complaining about it,
for which it is not clear whether the rest were not born under an astrological
sign like everybody, so they showed up here to rip and tear, claim I am the
cause of the problem, the Celebrities especially extract money from my public
life to spend on these trouble makers over such a claim and continued to
suggest such results did not signify that their interest in me had come to an
end, to leave me on social security and lip flap more nonsense at me on Media
assisted by their innocent fans on social media as well, tie my hands and
ensure I could no longer respond to opinionated ageism and talk nonsense at me
about ways I will respond when their famous stupidities wanted me to and rips
up my career to make their stupid point – it would appear when I had mentioned
it, they had found something else they wanted to make good of through the
narcissism media that the German influence twats had also built for the birth
sign reading criminal pricks in this place and so it is becoming a matter of
when they were not weeping and wailing because of me, I would have to live with
I am at this point thinking these gits need to understand what this nonsense felt like and I suppose then that which careers continued to show up here making a mess for me after 2024, will decide the outcome.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.