It has never been an emotive problem all round; this
question of the way people want to live their own lives etc – we are talking
about people who do not know what I know and their social station was such that
to make sense of some of the matters I tackled easily working intellectual
property administration, they needed to get into a fight with National level
enemies to impress clients. It needs to have moved on by the determined
deadline as none really can tell why they are always so abusive and so
disrespectful, just as much as I am not bluffing at this point. The King of England did not get along with his Mother the Previous Monarch and they apparently had a part to play in the matter in such a way that I am overtly affected.
Same as they suggest I have never really made sense of the
feminism story which is not the case either way – same story of a bunch of
twats who think they were high class home wreckers, living in a world where I
used to work a history in which I attacked their famous idiots but do not have
such a history anymore, hence they had built their own, where people got to trifle
me with me and build a history of me making an exception for it, which had
grown into an industrial item that their stupidities could sell, if the general
behaviour towards me is that it is not in their interest that I kept my clothes
I mean it has created an international state of hell and high water over the fact its personal decisions had come to bite at the backside but fundamentally if asked about the need to make social mess for others, it will boast about a sense that they lived in a world where it was easy for them to be homosexuals of which none knows why they worked such intense history in my person if I lived in a world where they were more likely to resign from the fame job than I was likely to become homosexual, now it thinks my entire career for reason it was a famous fool with a red carpet sex work politics to fool around with, am meant to deploy a Royal Office for the purpose of protecting it from the consequences of its abusive personal decisions.
They suggest I felt everything differently from the way
everybody else felt it but I feel nothing on this matter – I have not had a
single days break in 2 decades, being confronted by low lives with nothing to
lose in this world on a gimmick that involved being educated by those who
thought they were born to lead and those who needed to educate me for their part
about those who were born to lead; we are now in the alliance between local
councils and famous twats situation, 12 years after I went to University to pay
the fees for them, to find myself moving on never the less whilst they
continued to hound me. It was clear that in these circumstances cracked up out
of my league talking nonsense all the time especially after gaining access to
public service directives to cover its backside with, did not know what
antisemitism looked like. If they are saying I allowed my career to fall into
an environment where the government was working to control society miscreants of
these kind, by achieving important items late, why then did they decide they
needed to read my Birth sign and avail the way I stood up for myself to a bunch
of idiots that were born under a birth sign that was more dangerous and willing
to serve others in a fight situation with it?
They do claim that I am a pain in everybody's neck naturally but last we checked, I stood up for a security guard job at a business premises and they came up with birth sign reading ideas, with Poof Leo in the lead, showed up there to churn my tummy and lay down another history of abuse that insolent Scorpio and vagabond Virgo could make the most of, so another group of idiots decided that if the German influence pricks behind it were going to get on media to make the most of it, it had to be the filthy part where I got to explain why I was such a coward I could not be relied upon to do something that protected important persons - now we know that the gits they relied on to attack others on their behalf had turned to Islam, since last they used this nonsense to completely trash the work that security services did to protect the public from terrorism, in order to run me down and make me feel flustered each time I stepped outside of my door, so we are here on a repeat performance for a completely different reason, featuring the Government building idiots who decide that when gits like these spent time abusing my privacy, they should be spending their own privacy to do it until such a time had arrived where there was no privacy left for them, only the abuses, at which point they had to make something up, to which effects its stupidities stopped it and hung about at government buildings talking nonsense at me about how ruthless its stupidities was, whilst these clown stifled my career and finances. The core of the problem still being that their famous gits have not stopped goading me over public control matters which was the cause of all the problems here, as they also use it to handle my career and personal life for good feelings whilst running me down abusively to get more as a crime of passion, which is set to stop badly save they stopped it on their own. In light of the need to complain that I took offence to a sense developed that handling or hurting my person should come with no consequences if there was one at all; it is the reason for my reputation as these idiots have not stopped the behaviour which had since seeped into my personal life as a matter of what t did with the neighbourhoods, that they could not get on with anything in their silly lives, save I was spiritually and mentally disturbed into looking like a gang member whilst they clung to my career publicity, over ideas that somebody bigger or stronger ought to attack me on their behalf whether I deserved it or not.