The story that never goes away for the benefits of its purpose is that I am unable to escape the fact I am a coward. We know instead that what happens is a handful of people with an intolerance lifestyle, love for loutish music and a process of building violent lasciviousness they could run off at my expense endlessly, have been placed in a closed environment by these racist idiots, to set about all day long, doing an insulting and abusive gesture where they opened my anus to such persons - hoping that should their stupidities do it often and persist for long enough, I will do something bad and get into trouble with the Police all from a safe distance, thereby abandoning my career when its head is full of what I am thinking, so I did not have to tolerate its stupidities so often, perhaps to make a statement that their stupidities got into trouble with those characters which then beats my imagination as per how the story of cowardice was applicable to me.

They do claim I had made myself quite a problem and it’s a story of how they dispatch big brother and big sister, really stupid, loved to wreck peoples careers and have created my version where I do think that becoming a very destructive person to make the most of the fact they were vandals, very stupid and looked like they were in need of a good fuck all the time, to make a mess of it, whereby it does appear they had thrown down the gauntlet on heart disease when they complain about what I should be. They do claim they had taught me a lesson as well and it is utter nonsense: only big brothers and big sisters with their you-me-employers and bottom chasing issues, making the most of the way society and culture idiots who loved to wreck careers to ensure they had more access to clever people they can abuse into solving their problems, now complaining about me not being what I was meant to be, so they might make use of me and if they do get off claiming this is not a case of a stupid history they have built at my expense to play practical jokes with, that it is what I really am, we will hear all about it again, of which for the time being, this is their heart disease gauntlet they can knock themselves out with.

The idea suggested is that I will likely end up alone, bitter, angry and old but it is utter nonsense as people who got along with me well for the last 18 years are still doing so, hence even if I do get off kicking them hard, so they stopped vandalising my work to beat me down with financial complications that will boost their stupid ego, it would be unnecessary because I am meant to be more concerned with people who cared about me. That said, we do hear them blab about the prospects of this nonsense adding up a community they built up to antagonise people who cared about me, with a big mouth.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland