They do claim I was oblivious to the nature of opinions people entertained about me at the Monarchy but it is not really the case – it is a set of opinions associated with their civil disobedience and which parents have continued to fool around with it, the part where it got serious and continues to get serious about the ways I was set out as a character that can be sacrificed for those who were willing to do security services work and yet the security services work was never done the way that they claimed it was or wanted to have it done, hence we had since arrived at the point where the claim alongside their American twats, that I am working with communists, was a gimmick used to handle my income margins and get rich fast, has set the stage for the last of their nonsense channelled at me, which I will tolerate. There is therefore a state of affairs at this point that we were looking at a bunch of famous fools who assumed I am one of their biggest fans.

The claim that the King supported it was never far behind naturally, we know it is the King who lost his wife because of it and fought his mother all his life over it that supported their stupidities but then again, I am the person in a position where I assumed that I had come past it but time and again find myself relapse into a state of mind that suggested that I owed them a debt of affection, hence completely lost as per the fun that their media equipment hugging stupidities were getting from it. On the point that it could last forever if I am angry about it, I am not angry, it needs to shut down that stupid publicity about a lack of response on my part, keep its male sociopath and criminal feminist dirty secrets; I need to make sense of the reasons somebody assumed this stupidity will pay off and reinstate my Office the way it works to ensure I am able to concentrate on what I am doing because I had pushed them into such a difficult corner that they hung about expressing this nonsense in a tight social space, to such an extent that it drew the attention of security services regardless of how that attention may have been drawn, industrial effect that regardless of its astrological sign, it buys a product because the product merited a purchase, not show up here with a civil right gimmick by which it could claim part, half or most of the market I worked to create for my livelihood simply because it was disrespectful enough to, with its Political gits suggesting that when we Libras take up leadership the world around us fell to pieces. It can either shut down the abusive gimmicks or stay away from my career publicity since I needed to ensure everybody could see that it is what I am doing, alternatively, I will definitely get my fingers on the Celebrity wealth and the Willard well off neighbourhoods.

I am told the point these people were making is that what I am doing is incredibly stupid. I could never tell anyway, what has really happened is a set of predictable tasks i.e. the first was to push the narcissists from an interest in my personal and social life into people that pass exams in school to get jobs that they can bully others with, upon being proud that they got those jobs, next stop was to sort out my own finances and I have come up stuck with their narcissism. It is never really an issue, I mean that the parents for instance had married if marriage was the thing, they had loved if love was the thing, they had children if having families was the thing, I have my own life to live but when they dump it on me and continued to follow me around to dump it on me, this stupid fun they had with narcissism and mental illness, we were facing a proper problem, whilst the famous needed to keep assuming that showing they were famous fools by passing insults at me endlessly will come to no painful outcome. Here it is suggested I had described it accurately but this is just the symptom of the problem, the real problem is that they trade their mobility in for immoral society gimmicks on seeing that I wrote a Book that solved a residual problem, to show up relying on me for new good feeling mobility to such an extent they had arrived at an abusive stage that suggested if they blamed me for their personal problems it would have made sense that other human beings could understand – then they showed up with an abusive nonsense where they picked up a media narcissism to dump it on me half the time and the rest of the time they decided I am to end up on their right hand side or left hand side depending on which they were comfortable with, complaining about a previously existent history associated with their publicly abusive insults that were tied to the stupid sense of entitlement, they were so immoral they decided they would live out a less than up standing existence and find somebody who can be treated as less than human to dump and blame it on, not really important enough to seek a right to maintain a stupid publicity on the fact that I had not provided them a response for their stupidities. It is either going to shut down the gimmicks or stay away from my public image as the two acts would produce exactly the same result; on the claim however it meant I had acknowledged the importance of being seen as if I am a popularity git, it is not the way it worked at all, it was rather a matter of the fact consumers handled consumption like a profession and were very good at it, miss something and they were likely to notice, so the main problem I am facing is the fact that they wanted my Books but I appeared to be holding back, so I needed to put out more of what I am doing until they were satisfied they had seen everything they needed to see in order to make a decision. Here the suggestion is raised that I am likely to compromise my office which is not applicable at all, if I did, I would have ended up with more work i.e. we are dealing with market – start a job and you had to finish it before you could get paid. The stupidities on the other hand will have to move on or I will get my fingers on the celebrity wealth and the well off neighbourhoods, it will develop into a case of me on the red corner and them on the blue and vice versa – as for the stupidity in what I am doing, here we are, now working through the details to ascertain exactly how stupid. History has shown that they loved to make up ideas that I was working with racists and Police brutality was my doing because it was what works and a product of the fact I was such a mystery to them, as much as I was a massive problem but we can also see that it was the only point in time, aside from the society abuses that do not develop into a direct tapping of my penis and fingering my bum unless their media narcissism was involved, was the only time that the state of affairs around my concerned had normalised, so we are about to enter into another one of those unless something changes for the positive.

We have already witnessed the nature of it play out to suggest these gits had also picked up a job they had to complete to get paid, which involved attacking me, what we know to be true being that if they did successfully the government will make laws that prevented their gimmicks into the future and it will be a law that directly affected the German influence stupidities and if they could not do it successfully, will end up seriously hurt with the government making such laws anyway; the reality of which is the same story of a bunch of idiots who were so stupid I ended up on social security over their interest in me, and we all know that the student that was most likely to want to sleep with the teacher for grades was a German influence idiot, so I do suppose it would make a lot of sense as to how we proceeded if they made it violence, as it will not keep its comments to its career and show up here only if it wants to engage with some Books. The other group were the twats that had found a way to get me dropping out of University and since gone on to pass exams and get some good jobs, it would appear they spent their time on nothing else save the gimmick of deciding that businesses that associated with me provoked them and their sense of professionalism wounded because their opinion of me was so low that these businesses should not get involved with my person – since the platform through which the idiots do such things was corporate government and it expresses the way their stupidities and that of their famous fools was limitless, I have continued to ignore it but now we are at an impasse where it seemed they do not wish to keep in peace the money they have been making, hence will not take the warning to restrict their comments to their careers, looking for more of the activities that made them the poofs working for famous fools that they were today. Speaks of the fact they spent a huge amount of money forming a consumer base for the companies in question all the time and the only thing their stupidities did with that consumer base, was to build Willard well off neighbourhoods surrounded by slums that were also full of idiots who went to the market to provide them with power, interfering with every business on the internet and never allowed anything to appear exactly the way that the owners had made it; as I mentioned, starting to look like it does not want to keep its money in peace as it will not take the warning that I have had enough of their insults on this side. The Politicians have pointed out my opinions on the matter was interesting but these are not opinions, just practical ways to consider what they were actually doing and to handle it, an opinion would be to say that it has been two decades of this stupid community that loved to humiliate people taking an interest in my career, public and social life and making a mess of it, has even gone on to build its own PR for my Books whilst clinging to my career publicity to go places as part of a dream of achieving a process where the Books were provocative to whole communities, building up risk of physical attacks on the streets being faced by those who p[aid for and openly displayed the copy they had bought, now that their stupidities were starting to issue threats too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland