The idea is that Woman found me very disrespectful of their person and achievements. It is utter nonsense even if I were to respond to it – runs off rich getting richer, poor getting poorer gimmicks on everybody that is not their mate and end up in a situation where it has distracted me and trashed my studies and career to seek out people who would explore my Civic duties and fight my battles, so that its stupidities may be permitted to get imagination up my bum because it suggests that my responses would not have been destructive enough to cause worries. The whole thing goes back to those gimmicks where it had a need to see me declare my morality in public, so that I may use me as a personality softener to make more acceptable the men that it wants to get around with, we had since arrived at a stage where the blacks think I am black and other black men were bigger than I am, so they can trash my career and concerns as much as they liked, the whites enjoyed going a long way to make trouble for others, like a bunch of mean cunts and I need to ensure it was understood that getting involved with my concerns should be done according to purposes set out or the gimmicks about people handling me because they loved me and thought I was scared and weak, especially with respect to stupid women finding me disrespectful, will be ended very badly.

They do claim I am completely helpless and powerless while all I did about their quasi-criminal gimmicks were picked up and expressed by other people, every single one each time, then excuses devised to suggest it was all my fault, while the German influence gimmicks got to suggest I brought it on myself over claims of battles I had won. Somebody picks me up in the bathroom and goes off playing games and gimmicks with schizophrenia community croons and the boys at the foodbanks with it, so they picked up my Bookshop service processes having become accustomed to getting involved with my concerns for other purposes, to build another life for me where they were the ones performing the abuses until I got into a fight with others and now will not cease picking up my PR until they got to pick up my earnings – bully-bully over fights I claimed I had won, hey you me corpses on the beach with stab wounds all over it.

They do say I never take the German influence abuses seriously and if I did, it would be carnage wrought just to say what I needed to say but this is because I need them to understand that their business with me involved Book reading. The serious part will be that for the German influence gits, I picked up security work and what I did with it the way I was trained, prevented the bottom chasing issues, so they inflicted it on me to ensure that the feeling they got was permanently their own, complete with lies on abuses I deserved because I smelled, what they planned to do with it involved getting higher paid jobs from Celebrities. The British part will be that of the boys from the neighbourhood being picked up by media and record companies that made them millionaires on other people’s social life and it needs to go back to the times that I could not keep jobs because it was hell broken lose in 3 months each time, concerning their need to ensure my employer sold nothing until they had their way with me. The ideas are all there, what to do with the German influence security scum and what to do with the British gits in terms of making sure the lives and careers of the men was full of nothing but added up work but I suppose I am waiting for a proper trigger.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland