Now we know there is talk of elevated security risk in the world but we can all tell it is due to the male population building themselves a men’s lifestyle gimmick – the setting is usually one of them, the Politicians who controlled the public development funds and caved in like mashed potatoes waiting for the gravy, a bunch of people who think crime was a career option and the women. The mystery being that when it comes to them running people down, spending public development funds on themselves and getting other stuck with those who thought crime was a career option, women always wanted to stand up to them and be equals with them without assistance from the male population – it seemed that my Books gave the women some edge, the way that their male society gimmicks gave them the edge that allowed them to beat down the women all the time and get all confused about what a feminist was and what feminist was about, whilst spending money on politically opportunistic barely criminal women who did anything for any twat that wanted to spend money on them, to claim women looked like that or that their bad behaviour was also applicable to all women at the same time. essentially their narcissism has set up society to facilitate conditions for a bunch of gits to recruit people for terrorist activities, about which they had selected another narcissistic lifestyle that useless men wanted to enjoy, whilst looking as if the rest of us had new problems we ought to bury ourselves in – I am gained to work with them, if I see the men’s world gimmicks, I will bash it and it is an example never mind the whole feminism thing of which none knows what their problems with feminist was whilst they were not assisting for making things difficult for women, an example of the points at which their gimmicks took a turn for something serious.

Time and again we find those gimmicks take up a public face and they would say that they had rekindled the gimmicks with abusive communities that took an interest in my personal space because their issue with Celebrities was getting worse – none is taking responsibility for the fact that I am cash strapped because I am being prevented from getting into an Office and just doing the work for the day to a point where I got pain for it; they spend my time coming up with ideas about what I am supposed to do to make them comfortable and working those abuses to such and extent that the opinion of me was degrading enough for me to feel fantasies they had about poking and fingering my orifices and the gimmicks were then used to make sense of any finances they possessed, in such a way that I was never allowed to smell nice – I need to get to work, the work that I needed to do to achieve important contents of public control measures, like when I did ensure their abusive interest in other peoples affairs drew the attention of law enforcement earlier than they would have preferred it to and I still cannot maintain that work because they trashed the finances to spend money on idiots who wanted to read my astrology whilst seeking out how those who were born under astrology that was more dangerous than mine would help them bend me to their will and get me doing what they wanted as an alternative to engagement with my Bookshop, tears down security service work to hang about on media claiming they did because I am up to the task, as their astrology reading idiots investigated law enforcement on behalf of criminal society, then finished off with the other local authority pricks who drew disparity between me living on social security because they had wrecked the finances and the fact that criminals were getting money to become up standing people whilst I thought I could attack them from a position of a scrounger, they forget what they spend their time on, ask the stupid questions and refuse the answers they were getting – we would not be doing any of this if state provided security did not provoke them, I am allowed to work my Office and can travel any direction I wanted vested with the right to smell nice without their stupidities trading mobility for immoral society gimmicks, to cling to my public life, talking nonsense about obvious facts that showed I was the one in danger, on the other hand all can see when we do clash over it, there was a good chance that if there was a union for celebrities, it would have to intervene on their behalf, otherwise they possessed a private army and I can always build one of mine too.

It makes the excuses that people do not want to be controlled, whereas the problem was more a matter of tackling others with these gimmicks to an extent where I am being inundated with realities where people had decided everything had gone to shit as they say and threw themselves at communists armed with literal water pistols, especially in Australia and Canda, I mean I am subjected to their eternal wrath as a bunch of famous fools because I did their own as well, so their friends threw themselves at communists armed with literal water pistols, so the question on this matter of my issue with Celebrities getting worse was still apparently one of which famous idiot was still channelling these abusive gimmicks and narcissism towards my person and career, if I happen to live in what is clearly their stupid lives the last time we checked? We have this problem where I hang about at the market looking as if I wanted to get paid for something I did not accomplish because they were trading mobility in for immoral society gimmicks, to progress from ideas they were out to my league onto being abusively addicted to my personality – to keep this going, they churn out their entertainment gimmicks on my public life and spend the money on astrology reading criminals, leaving a public mess in which younger people were stuck with street and class A drugs, whilst the local authority idiots that were paying my social security became the threat to my career in order to share their money – they were doing incredibly well, need keep away from the Bookshop and career publicity, fool around where they were certain there would be little consequences as to avoid the progression from being narcissistic idiots to complaining about other people’s responses.

I mean it is a simple matter of answers being supplied the question of which male society trading prick and or famous fool was doing it, doing it so repeatedly over an assumption that if they found themselves in difficulty, a law court judge would not understand my position, if their opinion of me was to be taken seriously.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland