I am told that what I do not realise is that all I own is going back to the Crown but this is not what happens, what does is the fact that in order for Celebrities to take advantage of areas of the Hermitage that involved the wealth equity that people really wanted to buy Books for, in order to boost the means through which they got paid for being popular, they have to get over me as insultingly as possible to engage with more important members of the Royal Family – it has now ended up like a state of affairs and their gimmicks are a job that needs to be done all the time and every day, so I work it in a way which ensured that the Queen had more control.

I have been asked if I know anything about it as it is quite the problem especially when they claim I interfered with their jobs. What we know to be true being that the interference involved war with Company owners who employed them as managers if it was said I was just some small thing they picked up on the streets which is good for the company and has now reached a point where they set out their own minions to decide what my products meant and my business was to become part of their jobs to boost profits. It goes back to the way that if I got employed by Sainsburys, Tesco or Morrison, one of the three would gain an unfair advantage, so when I got a security guard job at Aldi, all hell broke loose, then when I lost the security job at all Aldi all hell broke lose twice over, now they have to marry it up with the idea that I am the one interfering with their stupid jobs and they were not aware of which gestures while they clung to my social life and public image, makes a complete mess of academic pursuits and a Bookshop in this place. In terms of the problem itself, when it started out, it was more a case of subliminal nonsense that suggested I could only get work if I had sex and so employment hinged on the people I lost my virginity to, before I was stopped by the Politicians whose complains about the consequences of doing so is now a global stage gimmick.

They claim I suggest I can handle the Celebrities while I cannot naturally and we know it’s a full on case of what people need see becomes of a process where stupid characters that want to play with my livelihood had parents talking rubbish at me all the time, really makes sense of the famous and stupid cliché. And then we find them claim that all these nonsense was far from insulting gimmicks about making a mess of my career because their own got to their heads to such an extent every insolence because of it had become financially profitable, to get imagination up my private parts and build communities that run me down, it was more a matter of informal market. Yet we know it wants money from my own income margin and I cannot get anything out of them including a process where their foolish civil and criminal disobedience did not affect my career, looking for more of what they were complaining about.

I am told that I don’t consider wealth and social inequality to be an important issue but the only one I see here is the part where the bright minds worked for the idiots because they had a crowd to take peoples achievements for themselves and it’s all backed up with a campaign that suggests they were superior to me, so I couldn’t say that I was and now believe they are in a position where they are going in for the kill – feeds into the black communities where people have been angry for a long time about the way some character move into their right hand to chase their private parts and destroy their dreams, so I must have said something provocative which will allow them channel this hate at me, giving them the right to tell me I was not entitled to say what I said to others whenever I did not engage in a conversation with them, in the meantime which none is putting a gun to their heads to make them read my Books and find out what I had said in it as well. it all runs off this ways, right down to a process where I am always a target for the consequences of personal decisions these idiots have made for themselves because I have a personality with peace and quiet in it which needed to be shared, it does not read Books as such, it gets involved with an author to issue threats whenever it gets a response for its practical jokes and they have their communities where somebody like me had damaged a career all of the time all day long, as stupidly as possible – should I withdraw access to me, it wouldn’t be the type where I am being punished by famous twats because I had prevented them from patenting bits of my life to their stupid names, it would be the part where they got killed by racists and gangs and of course the most difficult part of this for them is to stay away from my Books and not disturb the peace and quiet in this place, talking nonsense about daddies and republicans sentiments that will increase the number of countries that want nothing to do with British influence the world over, so its insulting practical jokes are still as relevant as usual but while it complains of my responses had no wish to find one that matches its own rights as well, chief of which is the need to make a case of criminal interests in my concerns on media which frees up stupid culture and society fools playing practical jokes on me after I stuff their heads with what I know over their corruption of involvement in order to work property equity administration publicity; hence appears to be a right they had to be the media which makes a mess of my career, meaning they needed to find a more acceptable practical joke if they were complaining of the responses.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland