It is naturally unbearable when it is suggested that in the absence of the distress people have put me through, I would never have made decisions which improved the lives of poorer people. The truth however is that the people who say such things are the people who have taken up a disposition of power, so those who are worse off and end up in this situations where it tool hell to find a job and when they do hell will break lose if they lost it, will likely try to ally themselves to people in position of authority. The annoying aspect of this is that these fools never deploy that power to make money which seems to be the bone of contention unless they were working some ageism that involved the destruction of young life careers and jobs – in my case I have ended up in a social situation which is a function of their decision to chose poverty and we can see that as far as poor people go, they are the only ones with energy when they have their backs to the wall, to push people around and so this business of choosing poverty to trash my life and make me look like a character that wants to be like them but has no way of doing it as well save he renounces his alliance with Church and Church interests that teaches against such behaviour, has produced an outcome where I am seen by their stupid children as the character on whom all social issues end – to show up after that, with a history of turning up to follow me around with it at University, blowing off the big mouth that without such activities I would never have made sense of the sufferings of poorer people is of course what it shows itself to be in every way imaginable. We all know that as far as my disposition has been understood, save the fact I am capable of as much destruction as their stupidities but know what it is and therefore unlikely to perform such behaviour i.e. Celebrities are the reasons I need to learn something new and important everyday lest their stupidities took over my mind, society gits are digging deep because they want me to be an instrument by which they shared everything they had in a way that inflicted disdain upon them, big brother is reason for all abuses because he wants to me to respond and perform a public service regarding the pointless insults of its stupid but well off Celebrities – so this matter does not affect me in anyway but the need to make comments and gestures that affect client interests at my Hermitage is calling for a response.

The Politicians have always asked what I think it is about but it’s the same case as ever – wickedness, evil and some power being worked on others from the underworld; we see the bits about getting imagination around peoples private lives and body parts is linked up to market success when there is no evidence that is how market works but this is an example of the tricks they deploy to get what they want – like in my case when they said that I had written a Book which freed up people they could dominate to feel powerful and it now means that Celebrities got out of bed everyday to engage in activities that trash my finances, for the sake of looking as if they were tough and were to be feared etc. In the end we know that the wealth equity aspects of my concerns is where the money is because that apparently is the part that the public are willing to pay money to take part in and I will continue to be cash strapped if nothing is done about the fact every now and then it’s a journalist idiot picking it off and every now and then it’s a famous twat doing so. The rest of the time it’s a matter of the fact I have no wish to bother Politicians with this spiritual evil save they spent their time brewing up their own as well with ideas that Government Office was a place they could go to practice any type to any extent that they wanted to.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland