So, we find those claims come round so often that what I have done could not have been predicted but it has nothing to do with unpredictability, more a matter of people pushing me until they get a response, something about their need to make people do things that their victims would otherwise not have done and then losing control when it gets all haywires. It shows up here to wreck my career, my academic pursuits and my finances to play practical jokes associated with this nonsense and we have done a 12 year process of publicity that was developed on it to produce this outcome where people laughed each time they saw my CV at the jobs market, only to wonder immediately after why they were laughing at it by which time I had lost the interview. Their women on the other hand spending time on a business of picking up everything I did for the purpose of abusive insults, imitating me, generally passing it off as their own or other people’s career on media, like a handful of wise arses who need to make more babies. It blows off that big mouth while we have not even reached the part where somebody loses a job or career every time that it happens but then again I am reserving this for a process where these stupidities eventually leads to an outcome where their insults were more important than the fact I am a writer, alongside American idiots who are using me to fight their enemies – it better not or we will enter into one of those as it were. The effect is this idea power tends to swing where it likes in the Country whereas reality is a handful of people who enjoy flouting what the Queen says to make trouble for everybody – where it affects me involves the business of suspicion I was some Gold digger bothering the Monarchy, about which they went off to Russia to have the enemy break their body and returned to ensure we were all sucking up to Hollywood and Celebrities, only to find that what the Queen said about me not being a God digger is what they should have responded to, while leaving the work for everybody else, to rebuild what had been damaged, so that diplomatic footing applicable may be recovered. What we have now is the real Men people, having already diverted power from HM Office to that of the Prince of Wales who does business with anybody that the Queen does not want to do business with. So it seems that we harbour them at the Monarchy and then we want to get rid of them at the same time, while what happens is that they are popularity gits and must be prevented from doing popularity to an extent that damages the Country, so if the Queen does not do business with somebody none wants to, save the Prince of Wales who really loves sacrificing others for his whim – the effect is this idea we are two faced at the Monarchy while reality is that it was acceptable for them to do the popularity but then again it is not acceptable for them to damage the Country with it, while the Public engaging with popularity instead of the jobs market was completely unacceptable.

It is now said that I am probably damaged but it is all being covered up. I would not know anyway – it seems that people who show up at university, from Politicians, journalists and Celebrities to civil rights gits and society goons, to bugger me with ideas about clashing with hoodlums to improve their lives, rather think that I am damaged, but it is being covered up, whilst they have never actually explained these actions to anybody. The problem being that I know what to do with this nonsense but sandwiching it with my studies got me to drop out, while they always knew there was no way I could sandwich clashing with hoodlums and criminals to make them comfortable with my studies, in the first place. The proper crisis is that I dropped out a decade ago and they are still chasing me about with this behaviour, recently built a Media presence and a blame culture for it, as stupidly as it gets. So, the reason for this behaviour has always been the tale of the way that other alternatives save the business of getting a job to make money, being more important; such that if they made deals with criminals and gangs and I ended up with a better career, the main issue becomes the way those deals worked out alongside what their stupidities coveted. The effect being that you tend to think about beating them up over it so badly that should they join the gangs and criminals as a matter of targeting you, it would make sense. All I can say at this stage is that they need think of me as a character that is always having his lifestyle wrecked by city centre and Industry idiots who then try to keep their own thereafter, so the reasons people think I am damaged is that I have not wrecked their lifestyle as well, think of me as a Celebrity who is broke, it does not make me any less a famous person, is not meant to complicate a process of running a Bookshop properly and in no way adds up to the idea that I ama  damaged person.

The other part of the story naturally is the gits that get the better of me most of the time like they put it but these were meant to be the best thing that happened in the lives of those who believed that I am damaged; if they liked what I did I got violated because it would wreck my social life and improve prospects of their stupidities getting paid for being popular – if they liked what I did, the response was still the same – at the same time the complain that is a product of involvement with me, blowing off the dirty civil rights mouth about how I cannot be left alone while their stupid society gits claim they were the type that do it and pick up the life where they left off with a big mouth, is a Public place phenomenon but like we need evidence the idiots were mentally ill, it keeps making those stupid statements that it planned to continue the process of attacking me to show who was boss and to show me what is what with a big mouth. I have mentioned in my Books that I am not a fan of leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama, who trash the careers of chosen victims to give them access to this filthy popularity nonsense and when the Books go public their stupidities may show up and try making a point as well. It’s always rather that big mouth on people getting killed for making a mess of the stupid culture and if I see it, they will see it for the last time either way – their version of how this abuse of my person and career ends, is that they kept the money industry fools gave them when their popularity involved bullying others, it is progresses onto mine, they will find it is about the idea their popular culture and civil rights is a legal alternative to a process of breaking into my House to take what they wanted and then we will find out whether if it came to it, I would not get away with what I wanted to do about those stupid lies and those processes where it is my career and finances that are being incapacitated because their stupidities were needy, on account they built communities that would help them violate me and get imagination up my bum.

Their Politicians have constantly suggested that the main problem was to do with the fact I could not handle the wars which makes so little sense as we know what happens is that the situation where they engaged in this bottom chasing nonsense and the business of violating people was an environment in which public security operatives collected intelligence for their work, so getting involved with it only makes a mess but they bang away at me because of my Office all the time and I am therefore legitimised to operate on any circumstances that may occur on my doorstep – every time that I did the work, especially if National security operatives found it useful, somebody gets off playing bruiser for the Queen, which effect is that the environment that Military work is being done becomes very disturbed, that is if it is allowed to continue. On the side however, I am happy they had since realised that they could go to the Military to do something that would help show I am too much of a coward to deserve my career and need to do it again and again until they grabbed the career, while their Politicians and Celebrities now need to work out how they managed the business of Popularity people taking part in Military activities to ensure that the more successful military operatives got was the more power Popularity people collected for them and stop wrecking my career and finances for it, lest I am motivated to burn their money as well. They claim there is something nagging away at me and of course it is the fact that people at the Monarchy really loved the part where they had to do military work over and over, to show I am too much of a coward for my career and they were more deserving of it with help from Americans or other willing powers so called – this is because people at the Monarchy exist in a world where the probability of doing what the Queen demands if they thought an issue was in National interest and felt strongly about it was 3:2 of events, so they really like to gain access to people who end up in situations where they had to assist. The effect of all these is that we make sense of where the extreme villainy of people who work in rogue Governments especially in the Middle East, are likely to get up to and we can maintain diplomacy that involved Countries where all we had in common was popularity. I do not know why the Politicians loved ripping up my finances over talk of my inability to handle the wars when the problem is created by their decision to get popularity people involved in the armed services in order to ensure that since the armed services had become more successful over the years, they got more power for it – they clearly have not worked out a way to manage the system, need to stop blaming and attacking me or I will be motivated to pick them up, their celebrities as well, the media and those stupid students running rings around the academic system at my expense and then I will have to make my point.

The Industry fools occupy a part of this matter that does not make sense; we are now at a stage where they had paid too many Celebrities to bully people in return for popularity money naturally and so the situation we faced is that any chance encounter with the women they built their social lives with, usually comes off with a statement about the way that I was chasing a job that was the reserve of bigger and better looking men, however for some reason, they had to chase and trash everything to do with Fashion Models that people loved to take pictures off as a matter of affiliation with my Public life, same as their Celebrities had fans who suggested that I am damaged while they had not explained the reasons they loved taking pictures of themselves blowing kisses at criminals on my Public image, to sell magazines in corner shops that are owned and run by ex-convicts. So generally, they had decided they wanted to wreck my lifestyle and are planning to keep their own – their issues having nothing whatsoever to do with me, I would appreciate their stupidities had stopped picking up my service processes to spend my time engaging in wife beating gimmicks that they have not yet gotten a chance to back up, like we hear them claim that I am actually chasing jobs that are reserved for bigger and better looking people which I understand but I did not have a wish to spend most of my time in a state of mind that suggested the world was split between idiots who thought their money ran the world, the rest of the population and pockets of social life that Royalty fit into, so far which it seems they think they know me but have not got a clue. My personal life issues being a matter of the number of times their silyl women cannot spend time with them, instead of show up to pick up my social life and spend the proceeds on the boys from the neighbourhoods, like the stupidest and filthiest aspects of the good life, with a big mouth, usually when it comes to a matter of thinking of them the same way I did criminals being the way it likely stops.

The question raised from here on is the confusing state of my relations with the female community and it’s not confusing at all – I do not really have a problem with Celebrities as such, it’s a matter of the characters doing the Celebrity culture, whose need to ensure the group they belonged to was superior, is responsible for the business of never using their civil rights save they were making stupid statements about being superior to me, which had since given way to a business of making a mess of my finances and livelihood, as they became more confident I was unlikely to do something unusual about it, does not take much to guess that it is Americans leading it. The blacks are usually a special case where racism had since made us look like we were relatives and they on behalf of everybody else will on account they knew how to handle me, work me – so the effect is that when something interferes with my finances and I clear it out, black people will make me a new one and ask questions when they have not yet progressed the business of being with the bad people because their financial needs relied on people they have never been formally introduced to, into something of me attacking them so viciously that when they joined in with the bad people, it actually made sense. I am never going to resort to violence however, I am more of a human resources person – first time round I ignored them until their guts hurt and the entire world was informed about it, this time I think it will develop into a matter of how getting imagination up my bum gets a specific response and getting it up my penis gets a specific response and all these responses will then add up to a social life. All together they have seen enough evidence of the way their personal decisions, especially those responsible for financial matters, show up here to ensure my finances had stagnated, my Bookshop stopped, my health degenerated and my social life wrecked, but they will never stop running off the lies and making reasons for their stupidities workable by getting imagination up my bum, which is the only problem that we now face. They love to suggest my actions cause them to lose money and it does, as I am made to believe that the reasons Celebrities have trashed my Bookshop to expose me to the daddies with ideas about questions on when I will sell my Books being answered by when I thought I wanted to be more respectful of the men, otherwise it’s a matter of perhaps, because I have been disrespectful towards the Prince of Wales: we know the idiots are the only ones deciding what the Prince of Wales will do when he is King and what I did with my work applied only to my career but it has taken 8 years of my finances, social life and career for us to end up in that position, which originally started out as a case of me being a picture of a man from which they will become respected men and has now ended in a story of being respecting the men if I wanted to pay my Bills otherwise my Books will be sold in 24 Hours perhaps – it also goes back to the way they had to wreck my University studies to ensure I did not shut down access to the personality they wanted to get paid for being popular by, of which if I finished studying Law and Economics, living with a reputation for being the character everybody knew gets bullied by those who wanted to get paid for being popular, producing outcomes where investments were placed on such stupidities and banks lent money to it, meaning it was eventually a Central banking leadership issue, it would not have been a problem either by but they wrecked that to get paid for being popular as well, of which we can see it continues when they are not yet dead and the way it had since ended up indicated that it was all practical jokes their stupidities had gotten accustomed to, hanging about to issue the let me open my can of worms due to my decisions to wreck people’s lives for my fame producing a paranoia where I had security details each time I pursued my career of fame. It is like they also claim I talked too much and gave too much information or that the business of celebrities wrecking my career to make me cover their arse, while popularity idiots trashed my studies to gain access to a personality that will help them get paid for being popular, at the same time building me a reputation as a character people bullied to get paid for popularity by industry twats who want to divide neighbourhoods into turfs their stupidities thought they owned, was a big problem. I do not talk too much, people simply never stop chasing gimmicks about being superior to me, turn up in my concerns and pick up what I did with others, built a reputation for it as something harmful and then I will stop doing it only for the abuses to come through as a matter of their stupidities wanting me to do it with them while my personal relationships had been wrecked. The immoral society stupidities eventually playing into the suggestion that there were people who bullied me into doing what I am doing which is utter nonsense – it really has nothing to do with me and is a matter of the way people made sense of the gap between a good job and the prisons, of which what a person does with the gap is usually decided by what they did with the teachers; I am aware they love to throw down the heart disease gauntlet by clinging to my career and inventing some bullying that will make me but if they do, I will play along too. The reasons I do it is that these people’s interest in me is incredible, so I need to ensure they were thinking what I am thinking before I got on with the affairs of the day – it means eventually that all the gimmicks about how I wanted to be left alone and the amusing part of their civil rights was that I could never be, had since given way to an outcome where they want to leave me alone but they cannot and are now banging away at me all the time – so what I use the fact that the idiots did these behaviour over claims they had a reputation for picking up their lives where they left off, is use it as a tool for improving conditions of the grocery market and other Political diplomacy associated with it, while where they have since ended up is more a matter of the fact their stupidities had made fame from it and cannot step out of their door without being pushed around by the grocery market, urging them to bang away at me and get me to do something that will improve it. The point about the female community is more a matter that is expressed when it is seen that I am up to scratch when compared with other Men at the Monarchy and this makes me eligible for a relationship with women at the Monarchy but the state of my finances was a problem – that generally meant finding a partner from lower classes where a structure may have existed for relationship reasons but as soon as a Royal hermit gets onto it, somebody’s idea of a relationship would involve trading and money issues, as stupidly as possible, then we had to listen to the idiots make publicity from claims they were out of my league, concerning which white nepotism especially at their insulting Fashion Industry never stopped inviting themselves. So, I am more of a human resources kind of person, and they have got more, need to spend as well.

The idea is that I claim to have been up to scratch at the Monarchy but I am not, reality on the other hand being that they are fed up too, the gimmick that involved making sure nothing works as nature intended in other people’s lives, running off the abuses and making a case for whether people were on the side of democracy or communism, eventually settling up on how it is the fault of Russia that young people were unable to concentrate at school, at which stage it was clear that their need to make a mess of National security in pursuit of their Industry gimmicks had reached an unprecedented level. So, I have been playing up mine as well, as per how complex people believe the matter to be, but it is only a case of the bottom chasing issues being what Communist Asylum seekers do to indicate that it was already happening, thus if you sent them back to home, they would lose their lives. From here the story is that I felt I was superior to others which is utter nonsense – I mean the middle classes are a real case with those gimmicks about having business with their employers meaning that they were determined to wreck my career and finances forever because they thought they were superior, should I get the lower classes involved, the question after the lower classes fight bravely would be one of what became of their businesses and finances – likewise the lower classes had their own thing as well, whereby any slight tickling and they go off to fight your wars, the next you hear of it would be what the Queen thought of you. My point being how a person gets to that stage where they had decided which they happened to have been superior to: I suppose it is how they did it i.e., they decide which they were superior to, soon enough they ended up making such a mess of Police work that they had a lifestyle for it and Princess Diana was their Martyr.

Time after time we had to deal with those stupid stories that they would love to see me in a difficult situation, squashed like a bug and would love to work towards it as fast as possible – it is always a product of those flurry of insults and abuses that never end, claimed to be a response to me being so weak it is irritating, after years of abusive mannerism by which my personality in which there is no problems can be abused to take their cares away, as stupidly as possible, after which they loved telling the lies to the Politicians and Media, about which is running as an undercurrent deciding what peoples temperaments was like in this place, especially when the foolish insults became more important to the Public than the fact I am a writer. The reasons the idiots want to attack me because they had built this nonsense up to such a stage being not just the fact they were stupid, evil and wanted to blame somebody for their problems, but more a matter of the fact I had weaknesses that could be exploited and at the same time of which the school placed scramble – you – me -  employers and the bottom chasing issues wrecking your life because we think we are superior middle classes are not having somebody exploit their own, while the we had less rights than we should lower classes have not had somebody exploit their own well, which is the reasons this nonsense is usually so annoying and I have had enough of it, think the next time I had to clear it out, they will certainly make enemies of me and have a real fight on their hands, if doing it was always the preferable option to fighting their enemies in this place and it tended to affect my career and finances the entire time. Mostly on the general basis, starting to develop a need to attack the stupid popularity politicians, media and Public for their stupidities and the way it wrecks people’s lives, is normally the first route to institutionalised discrimination which the idiots are not currently practicing on me as it were. The excuse is that I am a character that should traditionally be hated all the way into the History Books because people have died at National service due to my prancing around at the Monarchy, about which the Government Office idiots who are doing a day job at the heart of where these matters are happening, had not produced an evidence. So the reality was rather that when service operatives who had more talent than ambition picked up my work, all was well, when those who had more ambition than they had talent did, the outcome was that the more security they provided was the more trouble they created and guess which of the two was allied to the government Office fools who always had this need to set out a way that I will be squashed like a bug because they needed a power trip. The characters that are usually hated all the way to the history books being more like them, a handful of idiots who would see a situation in which 100 men had fought for security and were down to the last 20, then make themselves messengers who brought news to the men to give it their all over the smell issues and the powers that the male population deserved, the legendary hate bits happening when they return home and continue their plans to climb social ladder. The story of how I ended up like these kinds of characters being a matter of the way the service operatives that were more ambition than they were talent would hold an important Office for 6 months, compared to others who hold it for 6 years and then show up to push the activities of hoodlums that help them exert their power, blabbing of me being the character that caused them to lose their careers, whereby the only part I got involved with armed forces Politics, was that they need not pick up my work at all as such. I think that the next time these idiots issued explicit threats at me, they will have to back it up too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland