I am aware
it is said that my actions are known to support racism and discrimination, but
this is all wrong. What really happens is that people simply have a serious
minded view of the way that Government Office should be approached and for
obvious reason when it’s not unusual to see people play up this game where they
are doing popular culture and it’s about them and it’s about their lives and it’s
their own popular culture even though they were getting paid for it, soon
enough those who bother them will end up adding their own popularity to it
which eventually results in a violent situation and they usually are likely to
be the one that will have the ability to beat up people that nosy – the problem
is when this was the situation which emerged and he said that he did it because
he was racist because then the Government could never solve a problem. I found
myself in a position where I was able to calm people down I.e. what I have
mentioned here is an example of bad boys that are good at protecting Children –
the upper classes have their wealth with which to build expensive environments
for children to learn and be clever but the poorer people don’t. There are
others that know how to handle female security issues, like when they do their
jobs at the Military for instance they make a statement at the end – at first
instance the statement is disturbing but it’s usually safe to say it’s none of
your business, they were trained for their jobs and know it well, in my case
only when I had bumped into somebody who wanted to show me that Girl who was
rescued by a British soldier was all over his Public image making a mess and he
will be having mine, that it becomes obvious the way that National interest was
protected and what the statements soldiers make mean. There are various types
for us black people on the other hand; I am aware when I mean to tell people
who are bigger than I am how to exist, what I would really be making them think
is that war is coming and trusting them is a really bad idea – then there are
other still who cannot tolerate the abuses of culture and society goons even
though they don’t know what it means – I however cannot understand why people
cannot tell that the abuses of culture and society goons are not just a product
of the fact they really do aspire to be criminals but also a matter of
disobedience, so the part where they usually claim I am a threat to them is
that I may have met people and in a short while people were sore all over
because I did and hence I would want them to do the really big security thing
they did to be entitled like that again since we are all fucked, thus it did
not matter if I were aware they were going to produce villainous sense of
security once more. The other side of the story being questions people ask of
what I think is the best way to tackle racism but there isn’t a best way, it’s
just important that people are not memories but living persons; sometimes
people feel it is better to look like they had problems and the racists might
think somebody is irritating, only when they hurt people will they realise
their victims had real problems and this realisation will be their lives
thereafter – sometimes it’s important not to behave in a way which makes people
look like mankind because racists and people who discriminate have told themselves
enough lies for other peoples suffered despondence to earn people death or
serious violence as a result of it – I know that they don’t like to get
entangled with me as much as I think getting entangled with them is a risk that
is irresponsible since I am likely to sell their racism and maybe to the
highest bidder as well, which can easily be somebody who really hates their
guts, thus I really hate the busy bodies that get racists making statements on
my Public image to pretend their foolish civil rights looks that way – we see
this play out in the sense that when I had said what I have said, they will
claim it’s what I did for myself they wanted and we all know its purpose is a
sensibility by which I reached a decision with a wife on how I brought a Child
into the world and that doing so is going to annoy me intensely.
They do
say I need clear this up as it means Politicians are likely to reject the way
their work operates but it’s an old tale of the fact Politicians are engaged in
direct Public leadership and the way Parliament works and anything which makes
people feel sore is associated with some sort of co-operation with everything
that people are trying to clear out to facilitate civil living.
The idea I
am frustrated and wish to take it out on somebody is utter nonsense – I am
frustrated yes but I am because of the way that the aforementioned people have
decided I will begin to run a Bookshop properly when I am dead, as long as they
are able to interfere with it every day which is again that which I thought was
a problem that can be solved if I ignored it, like everybody else does. They do
say that which I should have done is what they have now ensured I cannot do
which is not rooted in reality as well – there is nothing to do save the way
they and their media have waited eagerly for an opportunity associated with the
time that culture and society goons loved to abuse me and get imagination up my
bum on claims of what they could do with my person to get people paid for being
popular – the outcome of damage done to my academic pursuits and finances has
been that I cannot allow them a day’s peace without making sure they knew what
I am thinking and this is what they are securing vengeance for.
There are
some specific Celebrities who love to say that I deserved all of it and more
should be done and these were the kind of characters whose problem was that
setting up a business meant working on it, like we see them work on me each
time they are given a job to do, as an alternative to a process of developing what
they learned from parents that dragged them out of bed to chase the daily
concerns. There is tendency I am going to get very proactive about their
behaviour towards my Hermitage and Bookshop since they are unaware of the level
of frustration I have to deal with due to this behaviour, blinded by
loutishness and a care free lifestyle they are aware their parents can no
longer afford – such that I already had a problem in the sense that I can stand
up for myself when I needed to but the level of violent lasciviousness
channelled at me can only be understood when people made sense of those faces
on the glossy magazines at the supermarkets and corner shops, with respect to
me what they actually mean i.e. I can stand up for myself, but it is the sheer
number of people who rely on the violent lasciviousness being channelled at me
that ensured nothing I did was enough.
I Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland