I am now being told that the main cause of abusive activities that were channelled at me was the way I used tricks to control wrong doers instead of get into some blood letting activity, we had to listen to this nonsense whenever the Political and famous idiots had gotten enough of a break from their criminality coming back to bite them being another person’s responsibility but it is not this insult that bothers me but the way I had to explain my whole life time and again and the more I did was the more they wanted it and no amount of explanation was ever good enough. On the ground just the wrong doers who pursued a certain action until they arrived at a dead end from which they could not return on account they had hurt many people to get there, we know their political and famous stupidities before getting to ensure that I could not use such an advantage when working public service, aside from a gimmick of wanting to control what is not their business in this place by enduring the wrong doers gained access to anything I had learned to carry out their tasks and duties by, then hang about taunting me a liberalist stupidities when not complaining about my responses, were supposed to pursue their own actions as well until they arrived at a dead end from which there was no return because they had hurt people to get there. It was a simple matter of their criminality society being a bunch of ageist idiots who came up with the idea that they were supposed to tidy up whole streets and neighbourhoods with my bed room and bed chamber to make money by, thereafter sending out another low life with nothing to lose, to occupy the spaces next door and keep it going for them, whilst the Public transport idiots were never satisfied with getting me to drop out of University by berating me putting labels on and encouraging people to pass insults at me whilst clinging to my social life as their famous idiots worked the Media narcissism, the community croons who enjoyed running me down to support their stupid children who were political junkies manning social security systems and cannot protect anybody from anything, only to change their position from time to time and become entitled pricks that were working other people on behalf of some famous idiots in Hollywood, are an old story. It can only all end in a result where I got my hands on the show business and it became a question of whether I could keep my word of ensuring that it was the last time those who found it useful got to see it as well.

On the point that I have been punished successfully by Celebrities, all I can say is that it needs to continue making the most of extracting money from my acumen and career publicity, which their stupidities started with since 2012, no matter what it is, always had to drag me into a position where I was royalty with mystery to my life that those who were more powerful could help their stupidities make money from in order to avoid normal employment and it is coming to a head as these abuses continued, bearing in mind that it stalls the Bookshop by ensuring people could not attend, once I cleared it out a small fraction would return and their famous stupidities will civil disobedience USA with stupid friends here in the UK repeat the process. It does go on to boast that I may talk but am in grave difficulty whereas the reality was more that their usual stupidities starting first and later on not being clever enough to make sense of where they ended up, had not received a response from me since 2012 and that is what is about to change here – most of the other insults they peddled in my direction, from the idea I had stolen an existence from women whilst their abusive society attacked women for social privileges and called me names to cling to my career publicity for money, down to a need to get teenagers driving expensive cars passing insults at me, had been a personal problem they nursed towards the idea that I am a relevant member of society, what we now have involved a personal contact and stifles my Bookshop, makes it the last of their famous peoples abuses that I will tolerate. It may avoid all these by keeping away from an Arch Prince’s career publicity, not hang about looking like their stupidities were the people controlling corrupt security services staff; where government was concerned, I had allowed them to run wild for a while because of the other scum that were always fighting people with any money they possessed, to which effect we should end up with a product they cannot live without at some stage when their famous idiots got out of hand everywhere, at which point we will be able to make our own money as well, unless the other twats in Government buildings continued to make it difficult for law making processes to take root by coming up with ideas I am either the one in the wrong or they after getting on my nerves would always get the first redress because they were financially comfortable in their own stupid lives.

These goons had come up with the idea that a bunch of trouble makers needed to pick up the careers of security services staff and I am now the person getting it tidied up whilst they claimed with those gimmicks where they attacked heroes expecting no consequences, that I did not have the power to protect security staff that were allied to me, looking for more of what their stupidities were complaining about – besides which I started the whole business of their trouble maker pricks going from bothering me endlessly to getting caught up with security services work, since the premise was a support for the male society abuses from a public office whereby if I stood up for myself on any occasion that was the accolade of a more important twat and if I decided they got to tidy the mess they made, although women knew how to stand up for themselves, I was a Woman. The King with his history of fighting his mother all his life and losing his wife to these idiots had used them again for something incredibly important, so the other gits who had roped me in again was learning the reasons it was important the way that it was set out, that the King laid out his leadership and we all knew where the buck stopped. He organised his career to make us take more risks with personal safety, clinging to my career finances and publicity, the Celebrities and their civil disobedience sociopath uncles, concerning whom I am responsible for Police brutality, issuing those threats and talking nonsense about punishing me now that they got me to lay down the defence mechanisms, nothing yet to suggest that the next time I picked it up, with a mind to ensure it is written back to home, their employers will not be the only people to learn all about the nonsense I had to put up with each time they attended the contraption that they regarded as work, lip flapping ways there were people in their society I needed to be afraid of, added up to the German influence idiots, as though I write their Books or displayed something they wrote in this place, leaving people to think I am being tormented whereas this was all normal and if I attacked the public offices supporting this nonsense will I look like I had a need to avoid the so called torment.

It is a simple case of state provided security, me and my Bookshop, not a state provided security, me, my Bookshop and a third party that may include some famous fools as well; the facts we are gathering at this point goes beyond the big boys gimmicks into something of the idea they wanted me to make use of the state provided security to keep the Bookshop. The talk of the ways I appear to end up in a position where it was clear this should not be happening to me whilst another group of gits who never listened to anybody or anything claimed it was about controlling me at the Monarchy but it was all fleeting, is nothing unusual; this is happening because they had gotten involved with the security services with those stupid ideas about treasure hunting my life or earning the right to handle my body abusively because they had done the public a favour. Would it then mean that we now have a two-tier public security structure? Naturally not, they are supposed to take the orders that they were being given when they got involved, I fundamentally do not need rescuing the Politicians simply needed to stop doing it for them when they had hit a dead end and could not return because they hurt too many people to get there and needed to stop making me the Santa Claus for it, if complaining that they found it difficult to make laws when their stupidities had done it with the idea each time they got on my nerves they deserved first redress because they were financially comfortable. It is an example of instance where it had ended painfully when people who knew nothing about the law were elected to make laws on the basis of a manifesto, a party whip providing them direction and consultation with the public but decided at some stage that they would do the right thing as soon as they were satisfied with their corruption, an example of a painful way to find out it does not work half the way they suggested that it does, of which the famous on the other hand had no such authority to begin with and deserved a worse fate. I will finish up with the gloss here on reinstalling processes that will all the civil disobedience idiots to cease interfering with my career and me to concentrate on what I am doing, as well as the ethnic minority sociopaths and celebrity gimmicks, to the effect of the need to keep taunting me stalling my Bookshop with gimmicks that they did whatever they liked with my career anyway, extracting matters from my personal life for a media narcissism that made a public crisis from it, the black lives matter and the me too movements, this time they had enough reasons and excuses to make me stop.

It appears I am geared to get my hands on the make money from my career publicity and more so with abuses and insults Celebrity wealth along with the stupid well-off neighbourhoods to boot. There was the pint raised about the exact point they decided to develop me from friend to enemy but they have always considered me enemy and the Republicans in the USA are seen as people who ought to co-operate with their needs and tackle me so they can abuse me and pick up all my daily career progress to make those who want to spend money on them comfortable because it would help them get rich faster if they did, when I too got to make sense of the reasons their Country was full of guns as nobody can tell what they wanted or indeed what they will do when they got what they wanted. On the point that there was still time for me to get my career and finances in order, reality is that the famous are the reasons for the mess that my career and finances is in, so the point of breaching my patents to hang about the red carpets, using my work to explain personal life problems they brought upon themselves because as usual they brought it upon themselves but were also too stupid to come up with a mental capacity that would allow them explain it to the fans in their own words, was aimed at this gimmick that I have heard them voice more often these days about cancelling or deleting my career, like a bunch of idiots whom on the basis that apart from the Media and Celebrity and Politics activities that were a product of other peoples lives, when they were not beings stripped and discredited until they lost the career by the victims, actually lived in a world of teacher treating badly performing student badly situations, like a bunch of idiots who ended to be waylaid on the streets, had bagged and seriously beaten up – I mean without saying it was now looking for trouble where its stupidities were likely to find some properly, we can see that if it deletes my career, I was likely going to build another one painfully – needs to cease picking up an Arch Prince’s Public image and allow the public to engage with the Books, they are not important people and I do not have to do anything for them, certainly more so, not in the manner that greed and insults suggests that I should if I wanted to at all. I do not think this matter is a crisis altogether, it’s a process of a bunch of gits showing up to trash my career and complain about public problems which I was then pushed into a position where I thought I would resolve something important if I solved for them, only to end up facing a paid version of the same problem with enslavement on their minds, setting me out for rogue landlords, corrupt private security, abusive shop keepers and immoral society to which they traded their mobility to show up clinging to my career publicity and expecting me to take the Books off the markets because they were using it to cover their backside, got low lives with nothing to lose who supported gits that tabled crime as a career option, to share a space with me and keep it going everyday, reading my Birth sign to work with criminal feminists who thought of me as a character people can step on without consequences and were doing favours at security services for the right to finger my bum, clipped my finances by running practical joke rings around it to give ageist idiots an advantage and the entire time they were born under and astrological sign which their stupidities could read and live in, working with public transportation idiots who got people to berate me everywhere I went over claims their stupidities were entitled to my income streams for keeping hoodlums at bay on my behalf, trashed security service work on terrorism to make me a plaything for expensively dressed pricks that had turned to taking advantage of the system and would do so violently if they needed to, finished off with an alliance that involved local authorities in case I was living on social security, to make me homeless and get me to fight their enemies, the point that it is not a crisis now being that I then consider the ways that Hollywood USA and its friends will foot the bills for the nonsense and annoying them to such an extent they had to share the wealth with people that will get to attack me on their behalf is beginning to look like the least of their worries, the German influence idiots keeping their narcissism publicity on borrowed time. All of which is completely avoidable, since I do not write their Books in this place and am quite certain that I do not display at the shop anything that their stupidities had written – 2 decades of suffering because getting involved with my personality and career publicity felt good to these idiots and it is not taking the hint that it does need to move on at this point.

I am inviting them to shut down the publicity, superior birth signs publicity that they have built up for a lack of response on my part or I will shut it down for them and prepare for the next gimmick that involved fighting communists on my behalf.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland