Question often raised is one of whether I am aware that these activities were a product of deep hatred for me but I am well aware that it is supposed to be evil in nature too – they are a bunch of home wreckers and gold diggers that an idiot have recently awarded a narcissism media presence to play with, since I dropped out of University, year later a community was built to finger my bum and uses my private security industry history as an excuse for it, because people were actually being paid to do such things for a living, the last time we checked. They hated the security services because it was a condition in which somebody could easily say that they will find a National enemy that pertains to them and get into a fight, either result of the fight with draw the attention of family, in my case it was decided by a bunch of government office twats that other practical jokes were more important than the things I did for them as well and took up a decade of my time to wreck the career arrangements and leave me a University drop out. On the matter of their wickedness and spiritual evil however, it had failed to make the most of instances where I found myself in despair, so it has now resorted to career abuse and a hope that I will end up in a social situation where I got physically attacked, in a bid to have me trapped. Their Government Office idiots do make the statement that when we Libras took up Leadership the world went to pieces, what history says on the other hand is that they resort to these insults and a society built specifically for it, then either finished off sending out an immoral society low life that supported people who made crime into a career upon to keep an eye on me and ensure that I was the enemy of my own financial wellbeing or they send out a criminal feminist from their perverted communities overseen by famous fools, to give us a blow job at Government Office to get us out of it and this pattern has never really changed.

Always talking about the difficulty we faced in holding onto power whilst each time it speaks of power, it was speaking of grown ups who have made decisions for other human beings that have turned out fine, when it is not complaining, fooling around with those private body part insults and the idea that public figures ought to double their security detail, thereafter it will cling to my well being to fight for civil rights, complaining that the security details doubled, as long as there was no process where its home wrecker community gimmicks had been fostered as well, was a threat to civil rights, once the world around them had become much smaller for it and the famous gits will not stop running me down by goading me over the public control issues, wrecking everything here and lip flapping more famous persons insults that will get me into a fight with others on their behalf, looking for more of what they were complaining about I suppose.

The point is then raised by the authorities as per we Libras could be relied upon over governmental matters but we bleed and complain too much, Scorpios were unreliable but it was better for the government to get involved with a problem as part of a sense that it needed to be solved. It really has nothing to do with complaining; the situation is that these gits loved to provoke me all the time, like when I keep opinionated ageists off my affairs and it turned out their need to rely on me once fooling around all the time caught up with them, meant that the same fought communists on my behalf because I am too cowardly to do it myself or was in need of protection or when I keep the criminal feminists and home wreckers out of my affairs and somebody shows up to take up 10 year of my time finding out how getting stuck with doxy society would play out, clinging to my career publicity, we never see them read their own astrological sign but we have seen indications that this nonsense will progress onto the stage where the effect it had on my health made me inferior to them and then the idea they got away with it will give way to something really important being kicked off. On the point that government relying on Scorpio was madness, it is madness as it was the case that discussing the constitution had the same effect as a process of discussing the state of agriculture, climate and weather but Scorpio wants ownership of it, it is madness indeed, and more so compared to Libras who know everything about the system but can live without it, although it is said that an alliance with the Police is usually hell on earth, whereby it was possible for the government to select if they wanted to administrate this so called hell on earth or face a battle from all corners every day. On the other case of this problem being unsolvable, it has been solved; it is only a community of some incredibly stupid individuals who were not even the teacher treating badly performing students badly situation but something lower and worse than that, building up to a result where their entire personality was developed to suggest that others ought to show up somewhere and lose something incredibly important to them, then there was the crime and the stealing and the shop lifting and the flushing my life down the loo because I did some work at the private security industry, the famous were not paid to start the gimmick of ruining the whole public control work over ideas I ought to kiss their backsides for a living with it, building them a National level media narcissism as part of blackmail that ensured I was left feeling flustered and ill all day unless I lost everything I had and served their famous stupidities doing so – it is since they have extracted money from my public image and keep broadcasting doing so as part of the process of bullying me and bullying anybody who got involved with the Bookshop, about to end badly or its famous foolishness will keep away from my career. I mean it has actually developed a Willard well off neighbourhood of pricks that were bigger than I am who rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers ran me down all day, so people could not engage with the Books because it was not safe, before escalating to this, so I will stop when their stupidities stopped, tapping my penis and fingering my bum, as the complaining about me it appears was not enough of an incentive to deter. It does like to lip flap ways I thought that when I talked it was the way things worked and if we met over it I will end up doing something that satisfied the 2 decade career mess that their need for amusement at my expense had created around here, as to ensure this nonsense took a turn that they have never seen before.

It would seem that the reasons I am thought to be living by causing carnage was the need to respond to the other gits who always ensured each time people wanted to make me into something I am not with financial benefits attached, their stupid money for the men and their criminal insolent feminism for the women, would find a way to make itself a major driving force; so what is now going to happen is that when the home wreckers and gold diggers and quasi criminals were done ruining them, I will go from being a character they attacked over academic qualifications to a character who has learned a lesson if they were telling people years later that the academic qualifications were worth nothing is streamers made more money, to a character that was being worshipped because people still could not be anything close to what I am. That said, where the celebrities are involved, at this point, it is personal, especially as I now have to show people what I had done to help the confidence of engaging with my Bookshop, if they were out there taunting me for having done things I would not like people to do with my career and finances, whilst ripping up the public control work over what they claimed was a strategy to make me serve their stupidities. It is still on whilst they complain because they have got more from my point of view, especially where the Willard well off neighbourhood poofs who were their fans were concerned; needs to shut down the publicity for the lack of response on my part and keep their dirty secrets away from me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland