The claim I am always bothering famous people and will get into trouble had since become a government matter but I do not see that there was anything they could do about me as such, reality is more a matter not bothering them at close range or by method of distance but their insults and abuses with a need to handle my career patents and use the publicity to explain personal life problems they accrued but were too stupid to help the fans make sense of in the real world, is a cluster of insults that has not stalled my Bookshop and left me bottom line broke, so it needed to understand that whilst it required National media and National Government to handle somebody whose nerves its famous stupidities got on every day, boasting about the idea I would get into trouble with their stupidities does not account and add up as well as they believed it does, needs stop the talking and show up here to read or stop handling my affairs and my property.

It is not in any way the crisis that it looks, it is a bunch of incredibly stupid people who wanted to live in a world where they had access to a private military, alternatively they could do whatever they liked and get away with it but whilst this has nothing to do with me, I find myself in a 2 decade career mess with the outcome that I owed their community parents a debt of affection and I had ended up in a situation somebody they did not like got punished, to which effect they had attained a history and were now operating on the basis of what worked with their gimmicks. That said, the real problem here still is the publicity their famous stupidities build for the lack of response on my part and the way that they had developed a community behind it to get imagination into my panties, needs to know nobody really cares and if it wanted to be taken seriously, had to shut it down or I will shut it down for them and we will see where like I have warned time and again, the famous persons insults, the insults and greed being the way that they talked to people, showing up here to extract privileges from my life everyday ended and how badly it did end. I mean extract privileges that made sense of their alliance with criminal communities such as when I fall ill and am being treated for illness, I am being abused because it was a position of privilege that they either had access or sell up to another famous fool that will not spend their money another way etc. At this point it is suggested I always talked as if I can handle the matter comfortably but it would be impossible to provide such clear facts if I were unable to handle it comfortably – apparently this is an example of where these famous fools start to apply thought to their actions and the ways that other people were affected by the fact that they are always fooling around at somebody’s expense, the football and the society people had a history here, we had been there before, this business of being abused and insulted and dragged into a position where it was possible for me to suffer the things they did to the last person they punished without consequences, to make the stupid statement that in their social position and societal position, they could do anything and get away with it, has obviously started again and their case was mainly based on the idea that they were dangerous just like before, the famous spent what I did on that to become exactly the same problem once the dumb teens they send out to get all over my public image and run me down to drive around by expensive cars in Hollywood USA, so I really do not know why we had the conversation, save the fact Politicians were being bothered by claims that I never stopped trying to get involved with or handle them when nobody wanted me or my involvement, their insults show they were famous fools who thought I must be one of their biggest fans.

Needs to shut down the publicity built for a lack of response on my part and keep its stupid dirty secrets, play stupid games with where it was possible for people to stop its civil disobedience somewhere else, keep its hands out of my pants or get to find out what I am really like from the point of not being a nice person. The publicity for a lack of response on my part needs to be shut down, nobody cares, and they are not really as important as they believed they were in their stupid minds.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland