I am said to be a character who considered himself desirable but really isn’t. I wouldn’t know anyway, I could say they are not my type but it goes beyond this, where it has really ended up is that they are so stupid that the unwritten contract the first time they met people was to decide if I would be willing to get into a fight with others on their behalf, so what we are doing now is mostly a matter of getting to decide whether I am their type or not, which I am not, especially as a matter of how they got by if they had to live in a world where they did not have to guarantee that their men existed in this form. This is not the only type of stupidity that gets on my nerves, the one that does me everyday involved the business of building me a bad social life to make money setting me out as a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy – it will claim later that the part where it found the trouble it sought came as a surprise when the idiot who keeps buying everything it put up at the markets whenever it shoots off its mouth at me got into trouble as much as its stupidities did for the fact I was sore all over which kept the public away from the Bookshop and crashed my finances, as it was not enough to build me a bad social life and thereof make money to pay their way in the world. It may push me one more time from this stage I suppose.

They do claim they never stopped wondering what it is exactly I could ever do to them. I would never know anyway, according to facts when I did their own I would get away with it, so when it blabs like that I had to figure out a way to inform it of what I might do: we are talking about options where on one hand it stopped interfering with my public image and client interests at my Bookshop and stopped it dead – on the other hand I got to explore what I want with the gits who continued to buy anything it put out on the markets by passing insults at me, then I might pick up some philanthropic activity associated with my Office and set about retrieving some of the money from them and of course they current claim I am while I am not, what is really happening currently being more a matter of ending up with money they cannot account for and making sure much trouble with it that people were beginning to wonder if Industry people might want to take it back, which would also come in very handy. Five years to 2022, I have been patient while they make a mess of my finances, mock me and work so much distant violence at me that I was perpetually tired and felt sore all over, it needs to stop handling me.

I am well aware that most of my actions were bad news for them but we are talking about fraudulent and criminal activity, which is done by using me to sweeten deals, therefore very disrespectful for me. It converts my public image into a character that people bullied to befriend the wealthy, it picks up equity for popularity at state office as a means to get rich and take revenge on me for the way society has treated its criminals, picks up my Bookshop service processes to convert into a profile that will be acceptable to them as an update for the way their nature expresses itself around my concerns, picks up a fight with National security operatives who handled my work to do the best job, tears down the assets to show up here and force me to do the bidding of the Celebrities as an acceptable change in an environment where people risked their lived for public security. Of course it will get worse before it got better.

They do boast that I have been completely ruined at this point which is not really the case – I mean what we have seen so far is that it will be impossible to get a bunch of ageist German influence pricks off my public image for the narcissism, lies, insults and greed which allowed them to cling to my income margins for money, by simply talking. We know they spend all day every day, running off all sorts of nonsense that runs me down, scares off my clients, then each time I tell them off tell lies and run a Media narcissism on me, which is now one of the strongest motivations for what I might do to rip up the stupid celebrity culture that handled my career to groom me into such a position. Here which it is said that it is not clear why people loved to suggest that I am a victim in the matter, which I never said I was, they were boasting that they had ruined me, so I needed to correct the record – they have won the fight apparently, if it is not the case that I needed to decide what became of the money, considering that thinking it was not worth it to attack the financial well being and the personal possessions but the fact they had those things was the reasons I ended up on social security, interfering, abusing, scaring clients, running me down, calling me names, ripping up the work that security services did to protect the public from terrorism, get their poofs to take my public control processes away from me and replace it with societal sexual context abuses, claim I am a coward who does not deserve my career, cling to my income and build a community that fingers my bum, then tell people it is not clear exactly what annoyed me about their media narcissism and famous stupidities; this is about annoying them to a point where they spent the money and possessions to attack me, so that other people may keep jobs, in a condition whereby there was always somebody out there who had more money in his or her possession, than they did, if the process where to cause me problems, so it may shut down the abuses and keep its imagination from my body bits especially the private parts, or continue to pretend its stupidities was oblivious to the consequences of such behaviour and there was a world in which it will never take place. For their part, they mention the one that security services did, which feeds into more lies and media narcissism because they have not gotten it into their heads yet, that they were not really important people; about which the correct record is that the services understood them better than everybody else and secondly the services understood that they were utter scum.

Some people have said it is building up to a full on fight with the famous and yes it is but I do not prefer the full on fight and it would mean that I would attack the fame careers, I would attack the Media and I would attack the stock market which always made it impossible for me to prevent famous idiots extracting money from my property, no amount of security ever worked. The reasons that a full on fight with the famous would be beneficial is that the outcome of these gimmicks are that they trash peoples lives to ensure their stock markets and organised crime allies and their paparazzi could look like they had earned something they did not work for in the market place, to take money from the public, which builds up to a result in which economic growth ends up in the hands of extremists and then they would fight for my civil rights, about which I had informed them would build up to a result where they made enemies of either side. The reasons I have preferred the half backed fight with the famous however being that I needed to enact and re-enact as a cycle, the business of their stupidities either fighting National level enemies on my behalf or fighting extremists on my behalf: begins with the famous gimmicks extracting money from my Royal public image and spending it to run me down and build a private army from abusive shop keepers, rogue landlords, corrupt private security and organised criminals, then they rip up my career because I failed to recognise how important they were and I got on their nerves well enough to ensure they spent the money paying people to fight me, in a world where other people were wealthier than they were and finishes off with gimmicks that will build a crowd that permitted and helped them to access my public image to extract money again – it is beneficial on the social front because it meant that since I am a Libra, the bum fingering criminal personality Scorpio on building a life they did not want anymore, could show up here seeing me without my clothes on to touch my penis and finger my bum over claims its stupid society looked like that, claims of something their stupidities were told about their existence with respect to the Libras; of which they would here claim it had ended whilst it had not ended in anyway whatsoever, considering they now needed to keep up the abuses to impress the Celebrities who will continue to buy products that we were all selling at the market, history being that no matter how many riots and the number of times the mess which causes it were tidied up, Scorpios had to covet and covet and end up in a situation where they believed they had well manipulated everybody into a corner and had to come up with another bum fingering upstart venture – besides which some of us have learned from the obsession with Libra, Virgo and Scorpio triad gimmicks building up to the assassination of public figures.

I have recently found my way around the sex industry to curtail these gimmicks and the way my career was affected by it, having had it tidied up, there now needed to be clarity on the lies and press narcissism and the street greed and insults that were being channelled at my me – a Bookshop is meant to be quiet and these idiots needed to stay away from mine. On the point that the sex industry was disgraceful, we know rather that Government operatives had to take into account that they will be called upon to regulate what it does from time to time and being informed was important: in my case, it would seem that one group of sex workers were the people who had a history of attacking the famous and paying a price for it especially when the famous were not yet famous, so there is a sense that if the famous were attacking my career for finding it beneficially, like killing off my Book sales because what I wrote covered their backside and they had decided they were such a bunch of entitled idiots that they needed to wreck the business and work towards a dream in which I ought to kiss their bums for a living, so any person who engaged with the Books suffered abdominal discomfort that I had to tidy up at the sex industry, an example of the way the famous insults never stop unless they really did, so each time we find that these other sex workers that had attacked them in the past, would come to the conclusion that they needed to assist me. The second group of sex workers were the people who suffered upon reading my work since there was such a large group of famous idiots leading such a large group of people into a workshy despot in society, hence it is not as disgraceful as those who wish to be busy bodied think that it is, it is government work, to ensure one was informed about an industry if public leadership was being provided for it – what we have concluded being that whilst the famous were work shy and leading millions of people into the same social disposition, they were saying that their entitlement extended to my possessions because they were above sex work. They do claim I started this because I developed a wealth politics which meant that it was the people who were not work shy, walking into their lives with sex for attention and a product in hand that they could not live without until wealth was made by individuals - the real start was the up down, round and round gimmicks where my career did not mean anything to anybody no matter what I did with it, allowing their real men to show up at University and finger my bum until I dropped out, to ensure I got out of bed to face a struggle everyday since. Everything I had done to keep the famous idiots away from my 18 to 65 affairs had completely failed so they could do what they liked with it asking me the stupid questions and for the Industry gits, I was living on social security for their pleasure whilst keeping a Bookshop that was attached to a Royal Trust and doing rather well on the Global stage - they does lip flap the ways I had picked up a career that will cause them to take more risks with personal safety in order to protect me endlessly, like it was no mans business and looking if they loved to create a sense they really deserved what was coming to their stupidities.

They do claim that I underestimated the threats they posed to me which I do not, if I felt they were a threat, I would have played their neighbourhoods for it, to ensure either that stays and the threat goes away or I trashed it and the threats stayed - the threats would themselves eventually go away since it would have transpired that if I got ahead of them on the incentives front for these gimmicks, I would attack first. It is the same things that extremists do, they knew what they were saying was not correct but if they argued ahead of their targets - the social conditions, financial conditions, age and sex, they would act on it anyway, the problem with extremists being that if they argued ahead of a person it was a mortal threat to the victim - so unless the famous were extremists, they did not have a chance here and if they were not, but were still keen to look for trouble, knew where to start. It does boast that I have encouraged them to become extremists and hopefully will not complain in future but I suppose there was no listening to what I had said earlier; it knows where to start being an extremist if it wanted to keep looking for trouble at my expense, the lies and Media narcissism are incredibly stressful,  will burn their show business for it in a start. I am not a hateful person hiding behind civil sensibility as claimed either - they are always attacking public policy, others are not allowed to smell nice due to the sort of fantasies being acted on whenever they had manipulated others into a position where they could access the personal space, waging war on whistle blowers, attacking distant lovers and waging war on foreign Policy, clipping careers and finances about others not being able to stop the stupidities making money from it and building a crowd to taunt and drain people of energy to pursue the daily affairs. I am not the one talking to others about their government running an Empire about which they could handle my property as they pleased and I could get it back from National enemy if I could not give it up, they were the people talking as if they were in urgent need of assistance from a Priest skilled in exorcism, needs to keep lip flapping all over my Bookshop and running its mouth at me telling me what to do. It is the story of my life when they take it up to the stage where they claimed they could always touch me when they wanted but it is an old story about well off neighbourhood gits who shared my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that allowed them develop habitual fantasies of abuse into something I can feel and then set about touching me all the time, what they were complaining about currently in their opinion was not an incentive to stop doing it obviously, especially as it was so important that the Government was involved - I do need them to keep touching though since it ensured the Celebrities were encouraged to buy products that were being sold at the Markets, but at some stage the touching creates a career set back and causes a problem - so it would appear the stupidities was out of its depth at this point and from what it is saying, was still keen for more amusement.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland